DeMarcus Cousins: (eyes narrow) Are they subtweeting and subhalftimeshowing me?
“So your client is in fact being punished for the crimes as a surrogate for somebody of a higher class who employed him in their service?”
Doug: “These hosers aren’t taking our demands seriously!”
I would have thought that growing up in Leeds, Alabama, the prom/girl situation would be more akin to the College Basketball Invitational.
Fat lot of good it does me anyway, my primary’s already come and gone. I was so lost due to their lack of endorsement that I absent-mindedly wrote in “Paul Tsongas.”
OK, but that still doesn’t explain Brigitte Nielsen getting involved.
I thought that Commodore’s biggest enemies were Pierre Tandy and Mikko Texas Instruments.
Trump Aide: Do you think you can enthusiastically support Our Dear Leader?
To be fair, TNT employs him in the same capacity (he clearly hates most of the NBA match-ups and knows little if anything about the current sport). I consider the GOP’s approach to acutally governing roughly analogous.
Look, I thought it was a hoax. Syracuse in? Conference champs and #2 overall ranked Michigan State a 2-seed? I mean, find a more plausible story line, Ellsberg.
(millennial scoff) More like Title Nein
Ornie, I don’t watch college basketball, and it’s boring and it’s turrible. I can’t name more than 3 players in the whole country, including Bernie Simons and Nutty Shield. However I need to talk for about 11 minutes.
It was just hearing SMG think that the character originated with her that rubbed me the wrong way, like William Shatner erasing Jeffrey Hunter as the first televised Enterprise captain.
I never understood why people treated it as an alien precursor; it was written by Whedon himself in his trademark everybody-sounds-the-same mallspeak and directed by a woman who was a future executive producer for both Buffy and Angel.
To right the balance they’ve sent a South Texas ocelot to the Sydney Zoo to get taken away by a dingo.
I didn’t think the prefix trans- meant “coming from a different universe where up is down and the laws of physics no longer apply.”
For shit’s sake, Sarah, you can’t erase Kristy Swanson like that. I was introduced to Buffy 23.8 years ago, and gladly.