Time passages: Sarah Jessica Parker currently the age Goldie Hawn was when the film came out (and one year older than Bette Midler/Diane Keaton).
Time passages: Sarah Jessica Parker currently the age Goldie Hawn was when the film came out (and one year older than Bette Midler/Diane Keaton).
Oh, boo yourself
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As I mentioned in another thread, now is the time to get up, get into it, and get involved: play Bart Simpson during the teacher’s strike in Operation Make Republican Schism Go Longer
I have to admit, this comment may not exact pair up with my question.
I’m no longer in Houston, but is that (large part disliking) really the case? Is suburbia’s/advertisers’ love for JJ Watt so all-encompassing that we’ve no love left in our heart to give?
David Carr was preparing to give a statement today on his respect and admiration for Andre Johnson, but got sacked.
I love corporate-speak. There are no Falcons shareholders as such, as Blank owns the team (there are ‘limited partners’). Fans rightfully want the best product on the field. So what are ’stakeholders’? Local car dealers who need in-demand Falcons to show up in offseason weekends to promote the new Camry?
“Jesus, just look at all those people in the first picture! That place is a MADHOUSE.” — Jeffrey Loria
I don’t know whether it’s Arrested Development DVD commentary, print interviews, or a Marc Maron WTF episode, but Mitch Hurwitz has plenty of good stories about being a 20something staff writer for the show (writing for women twice-to-thrice his age).
“He’s the leader we deserve, because we are BASTARD people!”
Unfortunately, truth-in-advertising laws demands that the group be renamed “75% Saints,” as one of them only had one verifiable miracle performed by their intercession, allowing for beatification but not canonization.
I for one encourage him to vote tomorrow and not in November.
It’s no wonder, if any of the GOP chuckleheads get elected, it’ll be Mourning in America
“Another piece of evidence of why migration of violent, oafish, addlepated, lumbering Swedes should be severely curtailed.” — Sons of Norway press release
I was a little sketpcial when I learned the finder worked for Fuhrman Construction Company
(holds up copy of today’s New York Times to prove video is contemporary)
(vocoder voice) Do you.. YOU? Feel like I do? No! Because I’m the GODDAMNED owner of the KNICKS
Did Snow plague us for this long?