

You left out “to the nightie section of the 1973 JC Penny catalog.”

Best Christian film? Life of Brian.

How else do you think these people sleep at night?

I’m sorry, maybe I’m a prude.

This is a show about prostitution and pornoagraphy in NYC in the seventies - it airs on HBO.

That’s how I opened my rope store. It’s very profitable since everyone gave me so much rope.

What does Andy Lack?

came here to say “suddenly I still have an old volvo that I never really wanted” but ten years ago and$500 you cant kill it. I remember after telling my mother I got it she said “oh I’ve heard those are really safe” I said “yeah cause you cant go fast enuf to get into any trouble. Last summer I got out of a ticket

Best Decision I’ve made. Selling my Prius for an ‘86 240 Yellow Submarine

Four door sports cars. Two door SUVs.

But he did invent Al-Gore-ithms. That much is irrefutable.

Listen, ELON MUSK (we see you behind your “iLOVEtesla” handle!), I’ll end my blatantly obvious Jokes for Jalops however I see fit.

I KNEW I was going to have to explain this to at least one person:

Why wasn’t there any audio?

That sounds like the kind of thing somebody says before getting slapped.

Don’t know the age of this voter quoted in THR, but yikes.

Runs on 10w-30 Country Crock.

Too many doors.