Best Christian film? Life of Brian.
How else do you think these people sleep at night?
I’m sorry, maybe I’m a prude.
This is a show about prostitution and pornoagraphy in NYC in the seventies - it airs on HBO.
That’s how I opened my rope store. It’s very profitable since everyone gave me so much rope.
What does Andy Lack?
came here to say “suddenly I still have an old volvo that I never really wanted” but ten years ago and$500 you cant kill it. I remember after telling my mother I got it she said “oh I’ve heard those are really safe” I said “yeah cause you cant go fast enuf to get into any trouble. Last summer I got out of a ticket…
But he did invent Al-Gore-ithms. That much is irrefutable.
Listen, ELON MUSK (we see you behind your “iLOVEtesla” handle!), I’ll end my blatantly obvious Jokes for Jalops however I see fit.
I KNEW I was going to have to explain this to at least one person:
Why wasn’t there any audio?
That sounds like the kind of thing somebody says before getting slapped.
Runs on 10w-30 Country Crock.