Doge’s bollox, m8
Doge’s bollox, m8
Until they can break the overall record set by Stefan Bellof (RIP) on 20 May 1983 in a Porsche 956 I don’t care
Much language, very english. Wow.
Ron Mael of Sparks had a Roland keyboard he rebranded into Ronald. 😄
I love that buzzing little toaster so much.
...and women said we'd never be able to find it! It's in Indiana.
On Tuesday, Trump laid out the full accounting for the money he’d raised about five months ago, in a press conference held deep within his own butthole. Via the Associated Press:
Passed him like he was standing still.
By your screen name, I’d take you for a Formula 1 fan.
cant oversexualize the hoonicorn enough far as im concerned.... that thing gives me fuzzy feelings in the trouser region...
This salesman is a hero.
Quick, get the Kotaku comments section over here to slut-shame Doug and publish his home address.
This one needs more love....
Beige Against the Machine.
The beige. Beigers.