
Amazon doesn’t rely on 3rd party shipping, I’ve had stuff say “preparing for shipping” on same day and still receive it that day. I’m not saying for sure they are getting it but maybe wait to fucking not get it before you complain about not getting it.

Think you’re confusing a desktop support tech and the people who run and support the infrastructure.


I kind of hope not, even the best engineers make mistakes but many times it’s just not this serious. There are only engineers who have made mistakes and those that will.

“It’s more of a curiosity type of thing. Turkeys are very basic.”

Fair enough, works fine on that MBA though. Been 24 days since last reboot on my Macbook.

By gizmodo standards you guys can call this “How to run rasberry pi on your chromebook”:

No, he has no clue because he’s praising a chromebook for a feature available on just about any computer.

No one boots their computer every day, you’re using it wrong. If you say it’s for student I can understand but no way I’d rather have a Chromebook over the MBA or XPS. Well the screen on the MBA might change my mind but lets just say regular Macbook or XPS.

It’s almost like they were so busy thinking about “if they could” that they never stopped to think “if they should”.

You’ll never believe what happens next! No seriously though, I’m deleting gizmodo off my home screen. I obviously need to give them less traffic.

Lol no shit... what if I told you you could use Remote Desktop on any of those laptops and that you waste too much money on laptops because you have no clue what you’re doing?

Pretty soon rape will be just bad sex that you retrospectively wish you declined. This type of shit is why the right thinks liberals are jokes.

I’ll never believe what happened next?

You should see how they post how badly Amazon treats their workers then turn around to post all sorts of Amazon deal links. This place is just a big piece of hypocrisy. They can only see what others got wrong but constantly make the same type of mistakes that they criticize.

I made an app...

The saddest part of all of this is how “news” sites turn on you instantly.

The argument about this “glue” not being natural is just a weak argument. I could see other reasons why it might not be a good idea or that but most women here are just upset a man is trying to market something to women.

Natural thing is for you to not stick something up your cooter to block or absorb the flow. No one was born with a tampon in there it, it isn’t natural.

It’s just the typical knee-jerk reaction because a dude came up with this. If it were a woman we’d be taking how unique and possibly revolutionary this idea is.