Yeah rationality and making sense, out the window. Everyone just regurgitates the same shit they hear and exponentially make it into bigger problems that don’t exist.
Yeah rationality and making sense, out the window. Everyone just regurgitates the same shit they hear and exponentially make it into bigger problems that don’t exist.
I can’t have one with a person that is incapable of having a of having one.
lol I’m just gonna end this here... the people on this site are literally in a bubble of rage.
I’m being “objective”. That’s called a “possibility”. I was wrong and even it I was right it doesn’t excuse anything.
I’m following along just fine, thanks.
You talked about double standards, double standard have to do with equality.
Good tries though...
We’re not equal though, it’s why she hangs out with them in the first place. There is nothing wrong with being different, we should aim for understanding and not equality because it’s impossible.
Yes, I’ve had consensual sex plenty of times so I guess you’re technically right.
It’s the first:
So kicking someone in the balls solves that...
Just don’t think these idiot kids got that she didn’t actually enjoy it. Getting serious one time and not trying to play it cool would probably have had the same effect as punching them in the balls after “playing it cool” for however long she put up with it.
Keep that outrage burning, gets you more stars.
Please oh please quote me where I said it’s OK what they did to her? Stop with the knee jerk responses and actually read the full messege?
Seriously like talking to a little kid...
Sure but if you don’t do it the first time and play cool that it’s OK, you probably should react a bit more in line with your past behavior.
Right, so it’s OK to possibly sterilize a guy because you put up a front that you can’t maintain...
My favorite is the “I can’t believe the University aloud this” because it’s spelled wrong but I’m pretty sure quoted exactly as it was written.
Yeah can disable the game suggestions (commercials) that pop-up.
I think its not about what the car can avoid but what other drivers might hit.