
Believe it or not, simply not saying that she’s a bad candidate doesn’t magically maker her a good candidate. Jill Stein and/or Bernie are good candidates. I’ve always looked at democrats as much less slimy and far more trustworthy than republicans but I could not say the same this elections. I still voted for her

Yes their fault as well as Hillary for being a horrible candidate. She stood for absolutely nothing but to be the first women president. While that’s great and all, there needs to be a bit more content behind that. She dipped and dodged uncomfortable questions like a used car sales(wo)man would. She used noise

He’s just appealing to his voters, only libtards care bigly about grammar and spelling.

Hope all the women who polarized this election from just Democrat vs Republican but also to Men vs Women feel really good right now.

FYI - Voted for Hillary but if she loses, I have absolutely no remorse for you. People like you polarized this beyond it being democrat vs republican but also man vs woman.

Jesus is that where anger is coming from? This place likes to sample certain men and think they represent all men.

But it’s how many people feel, males and females. But it’s Jezebel so it’s gotta be the guys only, got it.

Lolol just keep in your Jezebel bubble and everything you think will be echoed right back to you.

I had braces as well as a bracket on the roof of my mouth to align the width of my molars. There was a small screw on the bracket and they asked me to turn it daily. They miscalculated and I adjusted beyond what was needed. Now I had to turn the screw the opposite way. Not to mention the speech impediment that it gave

Dad, you promised me that you would not embarrass me on Kinja again.

Yeah they all deserve $75K a year. It’s hard to press a button on a fully automatic espresso machine and to make up creative misspellings for peoples’ names.

I was upset because there was no warning but that thing was huge.

I was upset because there was no warning but that thing was huge.

I think the durability and size of the lightning connector are more ideal for the application.

I think the durability and size of the lightning connector are more ideal for the application.

Don’t think I’d want them to change to C, I’ve got so many cables.

Don’t think I’d want them to change to C, I’ve got so many cables.

Wow Jezebel tackling all the difficult issues.

I think the issue is that this is not explained correctly. It’s a cool illusion.

Agreed, I’ve never had to reboot the thing for any connectivity or slowness reason.

Agreed, I’ve never had to reboot the thing for any connectivity or slowness reason.

Don’t bother with amplified antennas.

Don’t bother with amplified antennas.

Whatever happens in the end it’s a win-win for him.

Yeah, you can literally pick any stance on any subject and once you google your stance you will have something backing it up. It’s basically masturbation, the internets true purpose.