Nora Sawyer

This was kind of long and dumb, but then totally worth it at the end. So the exact opposite of LOST.

"Bewildered and disenchanted" seems like a pretty close match to me.

I live on a boat (a 38' Tollycraft tri-cabin built in the late 60's), and most of my house crushes are on other boats. Here's one I kayak past all the time and just covet to bits.

So that explains why HR said my outfit was "completely inappropriate." Thanks, internet!

We've had similar experiences with FedEx. Once, they delivered one of my husband's sculptures to a warehouse three blocks from his studio, and insisted that someone had signed for it, so we had received it. Luckily, the warehouse owner realized the mistake and returned it. But as far as FedEx was concerned, it could

I have never seen this movie, mostly because "Love, Actually" is the most twee, focus group generated title in the history of ever.

Also, St. Nicholas was born in Greece and lived in what is now Turkey. I've lost track of whether that's 'white' or not, but it's definitely less WASPy than these guys seem to believe.

That is bizarre and horrifying.

I'm thirty-six, and occasionally get carded. In possibly-related news, my husband's nickname for me is 'cheeks mcgee.'

My stepson is 21 and I'm nowhere near the weight I was before he was born.

I totally had this issue. I didn't get a lot of spending money, so I couldn't afford Sassy every month (because some months I'd get Raygun! Or Wired! Or Biblical Archeology Review, because I was a strange kid!). I must have read it cover to cover at least fifty times. That goofy wilted flower hairdo is imprinted on

My dad used to recite this to me, but with some Boston-are modifications:

For #2, I'm gonna go with Dean... but can she get this one instead? Because Rory Gillmore, saving people, hunting things? Is way cooler than Rory Gillmore on the Obama bus.

No, see, it's just not that integrated a neighborhood. So there's just one black person between Jennifer's former home and the paparazzo.

I used to call my boyfriend 'the wife,' but now that we're married that just seems weird.

One of my grad school professors was Carolyn Keene for a few Nancy Drew books in the mid-eighties. I still have envy.

If my husband and I did this, I think the before and after shots would be pretty much identical. We pretty much wear the same jeans/tshirt combo (though if he ended up wearing one of my hats, it would be hi-larious. He's got this tiny little pin head, whereas mine is approximately the size of Rhode Island).

I think it really depends on both the cat and the dog. Our pit, Mr Boo, was always *really* interested in cats, but when he caught up with them all he wanted to do was sit near (or more often on) them. Most cats freaked out at the sight of him, and so he'd give chase. Some beat the crap out of him (which chased him

I once worked with someone who misspelled my name in Every. Darn. Email. It's Nora, not Norah. My email address spells it sans h, as do I every time I sign my name. But somehow, that wasn't enough. He was convinced it needed an h, so an h it had. Multiple times a day. For over year.

Seriously! Though it does explain why they were so uncomfortable to wear.