Nora Sawyer

My mother makes amazing fruitcake, but I just realized she probably won't make it this year, because she just started chemo. Now I'm sad, and wishing I didn't live across the country from my mom, her kitchen, and the heirloom family fruitcake pan.


My Facebook friend I haven't seen since high school does not randomly post about his fantasy threesome with Dr. Pulaski and Christina Hendricks, making Dr. Pulaski the only TNG doctor I can look at without flinching.

A lot of people "helped put electricity into everyone's home." Edison, Tesla, Steinmetz — one of the traps we to often fall into is assuming one lone genius, when more often it's collaboration (even among rivals) that brings about large-scale technological change.

That game is completely the reason I'm a reference librarian. :)

I react more to ground level, too, but as someone who lives on a boat, that satellite view of Staten Island made my blood run cold.

Ducks are creepy. Their quacks don't echo.


I grew up in the Boston area, and now I'm mentally going through every bookstore I've been in to try and figure out which one this was. Were you in Harvard Sq?


When a recipe says season "to taste," is there any good rubric for determining approximately how much salt or other seasonings to use? I'm a vegetarian, but often cook meat for my husband and other friends. How can I know what's a reasonable amount?

Silurians came from a pre-human earth. So really, they should have the same dinosaurs we do. Did. Whatever.

I love this idea that Obama "hasn't run anything." He's been the president of the UNITED STATES OF AMERICA. FOR FOUR YEARS.

Yeah, but Palin was just covering up for the fact that it was a teenage Bristol running the marathon.

That's how I read it too. Like the Daleks are conniseurs of hatred, and the Doctor's is exeptional, like the divine rage of Achilles.

Tyra always teaches waitresses how to "booty tooch"? Like, when she's eating out, or does she teach a night class or something? Also, booty tooch!?

I was picturing a tattoo of MJ (in iconic jacket, ray bans, and a single glove, natch) blowing out the candles on a cake, while bubbles, Macaulay Culkin, the guy from Big Bang, and Nancy Reagan stand alongside, holding balloons.



That is fantastic.