No Prius Needed

Did she stop farting?

At least it isn't a loaded sandwich with anchovies, garlic, and onions...

Sounds like a jalop.

Whats the dying color of the NES?

I have had both happen except the PS4...Why don't you just get a pc?

But that will mean a loss in power and torque but I might modify my washer after the warranty has expired anyway I'm looking into a sick pair of these

Yep but even better with another engine from an echo. Breaks the speed limit in 3rd...

You mean MW2 right?


This is part of the reason why I like to watch old Best Motoring videos.

What about the last race of the understeer?

You never know we might see the day where the dragon vette will be on nc or cp...

Still, you have to be incredibly biased to say that its a good engine. I mean sure its can take some abuse and go over 200k miles but so can my washing machine.

If this really works, Microsoft doesn't stand a chance.

Well obviously because its a Toyota engine. However that also means 0-60 in beige.

Yay that means every fucking fire or crash that happens with this tesla with also be documented on jalopnik!

You could just get a PC moniter they are pretty cheap.

It could just be another Chinese knockoff.

Nothing beats launching an amtrac into space.