
Oh jeez that is Naomi Watts.

Right? This is the thing: I just don’t need to see it any more. It’s become a sort of bullshit shorthand for “serious” treatment of female characters. You want to show me what a great auteur you are? Show me the relationships between your (named female) characters. Show me a sisterhood, or a mother-daughter

I spoke about this to my friends last year. There are way too many of us out here who have been sexually assaulted. We don’t need to constantly see it in movies and shows. We get it. We fucking get it.

Right? Everyone points to the fact that she was against gay marriage in the 90s (what politician wasn’t?), but Bernie voted against gay marriage in Vermont in 2006, yet he still gets this acclaim of being a supporter of gay rights since the world was created. I think Bernie is fine, and probably better than a lot of

Honestly I’ve felt that way since at least the early ‘00s. I like Hillary more than you do, but if I’m being entirely honest with myself at least 30% of my determination to see her become president is because of how pissed off I am on her behalf after watching 25 years worth of the snide, misogynistic bullshit that’s

Same. I actually voted for Bernie in my caucus, but in the months after, I researched both of their positions and came to the conclusion that she is by far the better choice. Everything the Berniebros accuse Hillary of with no proof, Bernie is actually guilty of. They call her a warhawk, but Bernie (with the exception

This trope saying “I would have more respect for her if she divorced him” is such utter bullshit and so fucking offensive. It’s her fucking marriage, her life, her family. You don’t like? Who fucking cares? You don’t get a say in how she conducts her private life.

I’m not a huge Hillary fan (or Bernie fan), but the vitriol against her and double-standards in this election have definitely pushed me to her side. I was legitimately undecided and waited to be convinced, and I wanted to be convinced by positive things. This election has turned to shit though, and unfortunately it

This kind of hyperbole MAY backfire. This kind of makes me want to support her.

It doesn't make any sense at all. I think some fans are just going off the deep end with these theories.

I would love that!! In my head though, Ramsay finds and confronts a very serene Sansa and he tells her how much he’s going to make her suffer for what she’s done. And then he menacingly says something like, “You’re coming home with your husband now, my lady,” and Sansa’s just like “Husband? I have no husband. I’m a

Because my brain has weird priorities when watching things, I couldn’t help but wonder how marvelous it would smell in a room with a two or three day dead body and someone starting to burn hair...

The Onion King, One True King of Westeros.

I think it’s pretty clear that the three-eyed-raven was Ghost-of-Winterfell-Past to Bran a la A Christmas Carol and that Bran was invisible and therefore unable to actually get it on with Lyanna.

When I first got to undergrad back in 2008 and met the person who’d become my best friend, I was floored when we were having a conversation - can’t even remember about what - and she said “I feel...”

“I feel” does have a place in our discourse especially when you are trying to communicate with people who are so out of touch with their feelings that they need that phrase as a crutch to begin the process of healing through communication. It’s not always a term that displays weakness. It can have the effect of

That’s how I perceive that phrase. You’re not imposing your view, you’re offering it up to open the discussion. Not sure what that professor is whining about anyways; in term papers and everything you submit formally, you have to back up your text with references, so that phrase can only be used during class

Rather than condemn millennials—and those, shall we say, contaminated by them—for shirking “responsibility” through discourse, let’s acknowledge our more pressing duty: to stop policing speech, and instead welcome the voices clamoring to be heard.