
I’ve loved Warren since probably 2011/2012ish. She’s earnest, she knows her stuff, she is a passionate liberal, and she is absolutely no nonsense.

I was excited for Clinton to run mostly because I wanted to vote for our first female president. I thought it was historic. I didn’t care for her personally that much

Why not? It’s clear somebody ought to explain it to you as you understand it so poorly.

You can tell the corporate stooges are REALLY fucking afraid of Bernie and Warren with all those shit questions.

CNN is a fucking mess with their right-wing framing of questions, and they are clearly playing to the right-wing candidates on the stage. This is a mess. I can’t say I expected much better, but the MSNBC debate was far superior.

DC is home to the person without it who loves to show you they got it. We’ll be fine.

Just mentioned “You don’t know what’s in my heart”, as well.

So the rule is, if it makes money it can’t be wrong?

Holy F@%k balls! Its a business decision! So not racist. The German’s had nothing against the Jews, it just made sense to work them to death before putting them to death. This guy needs to go back to his basement. 

Shit, just LOOK at this lump of shit. He’s a fucking NH caricature! Dumpy AF, likely went into the military because he knew he couldn’t cut it in college, crazy eyes, nasty-ass Van Dyke, greasy sloppy pony tail. And then there are the specious, bad-faith non-arguments.

“Show me the white slaves.”

Every time an attack-our-own piece like this is published, an immigrant child dies in a cage, thanks to the results of the last attack-our-own campaign four years ago.

Ignore Donald Day, June 14th.

I’ve been bringing this up to Kinja for two years now.

The Lion King and Treasure Planet were both creator-driven passion projects, for starters. In general, Disney treats its animation projects as its crown jewel and so has them be artistic pursuits (within limits).

It’s true, but I think lost in Old White Guy’s rant is the truth that Disney makes them to make money. Disney of course makes the most money by putting out a lot of really high quality work that definitely qualifies as art, and it’s okay for art to be made for a profit motive.  

(As an ethnically ambiguous person, my favorite reply to this question is, “Why do you ask?” and then just let t h e  s  i  l  e  n  c  e   d   r   a   w    o    u   t     .     .     .) 

Not that I’m against Kamala or her ideas (thus far), but it kinda saddens me just how low the bar is such that “Making law enforcement agencies doing their fucking job” is a legitimate idea for a political platform. The fact that we HAVE a backlog on this kind of thing is inexcusable.

“Do you keep this same energy when Chelsea is plucking her chin en route to the office? How about when Tad is clipping his fingernails?”