
PS5 was also announced?!

2-Race suspension is a joke, he should be permanently banned. Manzi could have died.  

She’s one of the most unfairly criticized, and mistreated athletes in her profession. What you call “worship” others call balancing the scale to the poor treatment she often receives

She was grace personified. At the press conference too. She's the GOAT in more ways than one. She knew how to stand up for herself when she had to but recognized Naomi had to have her moment. 

I’m glad Serena tried to get the crowd to stop booing and ruining Naomis moment. She was all class trying to cheer Naomi up after the match. The officials have been poor throughout the tournament.

God, that was some bullshit. Everybody lost: Serena, the public, and especially Naomi, who turned in a world-class performance but now will always have an asterisk accompany any mention of this victory. It was an all-around bummer. What a weird moment to enforce the coaching restriction, topped by that overkill game

I hope someone puts together a highlight reel of all the coaching this guy’s ignored and all the obscenities he’s ignored from male players. The violation for coaching was chickenshit at best, and that game penalty was fucking absurd.

That’s fuckin disgusting

I personally know a preacherpimp who was dating a woman in his congregation and got her 20yo daughter pregnant. He ended up marrying the mother and said the baby was a “blessing from Gawd” due to the mother being unable to conceive.

When are we going to have the conversation about how predatory and perverted preachers are? Son is only apologizing because of the backlash, not because he felt as though he was personally out of line.

On the other hand, they chose to play football at this school, with that coach, in that culture.

Not even just like the death of a 19-year-old, the death of a 19-year-old for which they were directly and entirely responsible.

Thank you. I had not read that USA Today piece and what the fucking hell. 

Who cares.

Let’s see…


Niles Crane: “What’s the word in French for ‘light hearted’?”
Frasier Crane: “There isn’t one.”

It’s called Adolescent Gynecomastia. And it’s no fun, trust me.

Fed up with this shit. Enough is e(fucking)nough.

The resemblance is uncanny, I mean just look at the eyes and nose... they each have two and one of each respectively.