
Here is the Democrat party winning the 1976 southern white and southern black vote. Jimmy Carter was a white Sunday school teacher from Georgia. Carter was known for and is still know for being a compassionate man. He has spent his free time building houses with his free time. He has stayed loyal to his wife for his

Gristle McThornbodh here is 1967 recoriding of President L B Johnson referring to blacks as ni””ers long time after your democrat republican switch. Gristle McThornbody get your history right? I have never voted republican but I hate your Dixiecrat party.

Laura Wagner. Do you think it’s ok what the Virginia Tech women’s Lacrosse team were saying about black people? You took the time to go out of your way Laura Wagner about the woman fired from HuffPost? Do you think it’s ok that Virginia Tech administration to let a week go by and not say anything? It was all filmed?

Laura I take it the Virginia tech female lacrosse team white players saying the N word is ok with you? Wow. You are a prejudiced person Laura Wagner for not condoning this. 

Uncle Chigurh preaches tolerance and his responses are swearing or telling people to log off like it’s 1950 in Blacksburg, VA at va tech.

Uncle Chigurh it’s not Jim Crowe. You can’t tell me I can’t have a voice. 

Fuck you Gary! Every former player of Izzo comes back and expresses love. S Jackson had his back as well. Toughen the fuck up. Soon USA will fall behind other counties in military just like we did in math & science. Izzo didn’t make the rules for one and done. Once one and done is overturned, and they already have a

Flip city you wouldn’t know because you are Christian hating white guy. I like Christian and agnostic loving white guys!

You never played organized sports or were in the military. Shut the hell up. All the retired NBA players had Izzo’s back and they were mostly born in poverty that you wouldn’t give to shits about if they didn’t have b-ball skill. All the former players of Izzo come back and visit him and show him love when they

FlipCity a cult is a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister. My “I don’t know stance”about God existing shouldn’t impact the definition of a cult. Maybe mommy and daddy trust fund for Catholic School didn’t teach you that. Maybe, Aunt Becky

FlipCity I didn’t take out loans in college. I went to Wayne State because it was one mile from my house. Michigan more liberal? According to who? By liberal you mean people who talk the talk but don’t walk the walk. I asked my ex girlfriend how she knew all the athletes, & she said that all the black people know each

50ShadesofJim I know you don’t watch college basketball. You are soft and didn’t play sports growing up. I stand corrected on the amendments. 2nd is bear arms. Funny you talked about Liberty and no rebuttal on the VA Tech women’s lacrosse team. I claim agnostic because I don’t know. However when I went to public

You are wasting typing on politics and religion. I’m a graduate of the most liberal college around Wayne State. No religion there. Do you have an opinion on who is going to win the game tomorrow? Or you going to make fun of Christians for 2 hours. I grew up in liberal atheism. Don’t care it’s your 2nd amendment right?

Uncle Chigurh I’m an left leaning independent from Detroit that likes college basketball.  What do I need help with?  I am very apolitical. I read this article thinking they would be talking about the basketball tournament (go figure it’s late March, and this is the first week of tournament).  Instead, people were

Uncle Chigurh makes fun of Christian Universities but him and the author are openly encouraging a school who turned the other way while the womens lacrosse team this past year shouted out racial slurs in a predominantly white sport. When a video surfaced of the Virginia Tech women’s lacrosse players singing a hip-hop

Uncle Chigurh so it’s ok to make fun of a Christian School, but not ok to support a school that didn’t allow black people into there school for the majority of it’s existence.  That’s what you mean by education?  What would you like to educate me on?  Would you like to educate me on college basketball?  The author of

FlipCity is supporting a school that for the first 3/4 of a century didn’t allow black students into there school because of the color of there skin. Virginia Tech womans lacrosse team has a video of the women making fun of black people in 2018. You heard it 2018. I am an agnostic. I graduated from an inner city

No I actually watch college basketball unlike you FlipCity.  My favorite 3 weeks of the year?  What is your hobby?  Political trolling?  Tell the author and you to come to Detroit as it’s 97.5% democrat?  Don’t you want to help liberal causes?  Why is she in Manhattan?  

No I was educated at Wayne State University?  That’s a liberal college.  I didn’t get into Michigan State (We hire a rapist and keep him on the payroll) University or Duke (We were founded by rich white tobacco companies that has caused cancer to many)?  Are you making fun of Detroit FlipCity?  It’s 97% democrat.