
I think the only thing that would shut him down is if he had a spontaneous bout of explosive diarrhea on live TV.

He did call it, he said he could shoot someone in the middle of the street and not lose support.

Can’t change stupid.

You used science to prove something??!!! That’s all the proof the entire Republcian party needs to say it’s wrong. Science? WRONG!! Republicans, we looove not knowing.

Do you seriously think Bernie was going to gallop into DC and change everything? This is the same shit everyone thought about Obama. Hillary is the only one that is capable of working congress and getting things done. She’s pro-green but you can shove it down congresses throat which is steep in oil money.

Solar and alternative clean energy has been around for decades, if we invested in them we would probably already be a mostly solar powered nation. THAT’S the choice we should have made. Reagan killed all research and investments to solar and alternative energy.

I’m still enjoying this gif.

It can be done.

Did you ever see that movie 2012? The government secretly built “arks” and wealthy people bought tickets costing 100's of millions of dollars. That’s what the wealthy Conservatives is probably banking on.

Is it a generalization when the Republican party has officially taken the stance that Global Warming isn’t actually happening?

Oh, they got a million of ‘em including, “We’re heading into an ice age” and “Global warming stopped in 1998,1995, 2002, 2007,2010, ????”

common sense and critical thought capabilities as a grain of sand.

Nuclear produces a surplus of radioactive material. how exactly is that clean? Where do you propose we place all this nuclear waste? If properly run nuclear can be extremelyl safe but who can trust the government to properly regulate nuclear when they can’t even regulate oil. And who’s going to want a nuclear plant in

I say believe because it’s their belief in the bible that keep them in ignorance.

Nothing but they are blocking the same subsidies to solar as they give to oil. They’re blocking free trade of solar panels. Here’s an example. Educate yourself.

I wish the very very best of luck to your brother. He’s going to need a lot of support to recover, and make damn well sure he does his exercises no matter how difficult. The therapy after surgery is key recovery. I certainly hope this technology gets passed soon.

She’s so happy because she the government is finally going to get rid of these kids. Now she can go party in her corvette.

To be fair.. it was true.. more Drs did prefer Camel cigarettes :D

I loved sitting in the back of the station wagon. Me and my friend would be sliding all over the back laughing our asses off. Then we’d cough alot because all the adults were smoking. Good times!!

We’re trying, it’s difficult when old Republicans controlling congress is blocking all our efforts. I mean, just getting an even playing field for solar panels is a fight against Koch brothers.