But the shorts.. won’t the dust get in his muscus membranes and get absorbed? I mean, it probably won’t be very much but.. still.
Don’t like being called out huh? If you can’t take the heat, don’t start debates.
Some traditions need to go away in the 21st century, torturing animals is one of them.
If you get get silk out of worms, you can get it out of spiders. You don’t milk them, you toss them into a vat of boiling water.
On the field soldiers bleed out from gun shot wounds to the leg. With this I guess the hope is you’re going to get hurt but there won’t a hole gushing blood.
Keep the Football team strong... or protect children from this child rapist. What kind of fucked up piece of shit would choose the former.
So radioactive dust getting on your skin and going up your shorts is not dangerous?
48% of Derek Jeeters dirt was claimed? WTF is wrong with people?
Ok, definitely a T-Shirt worthy line.
Now imagine what STD’s we’ll get.
So.. it’s like, when we kill ourselves off, it’ll be perfect for whatever life forms dominate next... but sucks for us.
It’s full of stars!!! Imagine what we’ll see when the Hubble replacement goes up.
Perfect distance from the sun, perfect place in the galaxy, there’s a lot of factors. But in a few hundred years when the sun gets hotter, we won’t be in perfect spot anymore.
Anyone who talks about “knowing their stuff” when it comes to a media player probably has many many social and personal issues.
We’re they legally obligated to report it right away? Maybe they wanted to review the incident to be prepared for the deluge of media. This is a very important point in history, the first person killed while using a semi-autonmous car. Not making excuses but wondering if any laws were broken
It’s disgusting how the women of Fox are standing up for the molestor... oh wait.. Republican women.
That’s why his lawyers are claiming that this should not go to court but to arbitration because of their confidentially clause. But no, you cannot stop someone from speaking about a crime committed unless you accepted money to keep quiet.
Are those photoshopped? because those are the cutest faces...
Who wants a sterile environment? That completely defeats the purpose of social media. Sick of people trying to kill all speech, like it or not, there’s freedom of speech in this country. And unfortunately that includes speech most of us don’t like.