Pretty amazing piece of hardware if you need it.
Pretty amazing piece of hardware if you need it.
Pretty amazing piece of hardware if you need it.
Pretty amazing piece of hardware if you need it.
Now if we could somehow convince everyone to vote out every single incumbent than we have something.
I never meant to disparage Obama, I also feel what he accomplished was an amazing feat considering the absolute disaster Bush left this country in.
Don’t blame me for you being a Republican, you’re a moron, that’s why you’re a Republican. Unless you’re an old rich white male Christian, then you belong to the correct party. If not, you’re an idiot, plain and simple. Was it liberals that made you vote for Trump too?
To say Clinton was more damaging than Bush shows who the true low information voter is, and a revisionist as well. Keep your nonsense on fox, you just make yourself look like a moron anywhere else.
Stop sipping on that Trump juice.
You’re a conservative and people like you have screwed up this country enough. Just look at the mess Bush left behind, look at circus the GOP Primary has become. Trump was chosen by people like you. Change you’re moronic ways already.
Oh and let’s not bullshit, Bush is responsible for the crash of 2008. He did a shit job and was more concerned with creating a bullshit lie to start a bullshit war. You idiot conservative revisionist history doesn’t work with people with actual intelligence.
Bill did much more good than bad. The US was at it’s strongest point in histroy under Clinton. But all you can see is a Democrat and will probably vote for Trump so we can have another round of wars, bank failures and bailouts which happened under Reagan and Bush. I guess want more stuff like that.
12 volts isn’t very much, it’s probably just strong enough to get lint out of your cup holders but not the carpet. . I have the 20 volt cordless and it’s much better, but even that one can only do so much on carpets.
12 volts isn’t very much, it’s probably just strong enough to get lint out of your cup holders but not the carpet.…
She makes a strong point, people who you think has passion and want to to the right thing usually don’t get much done at all. Jimmy Carter, wonderful man, couldn’t navigate the politics, to a point, same goes for Obama. He didn’t have the experience and skill to wheel and deal with the stone wall put up by congress.…
Don’t underestimate the lenghths people will go to try to stop Hillary. I don’t think the circus is over yet. But I’m pretty confident Hillary will be the next President, but it’ll be a rough road.
What’s the point of this comment? Is it relevant to the article or just a random attack on Hillary?
Maybe he’s hoping Trump will contract Home depot when they build the wall.
Latinos for Trump is a real thing?
It’s not that he doesn’t want to click the links, he doesn’t care about the statistics. he just wants his gun, which is fine, but he also doesn’t want to be inconvienenced in any way shape or form no matter how many lives it saves. Don’t you know there are people who refuse to leave the house without a gun? I call…
Which are you most likely to survive, being beaten with fists, sticks, stabbed or shot?
I find it hard to believe anyone on the planet isn’t aware of the gun violence in America. Even the NRA let’s everyone know how much gun violence there is, they use that to make sure more people have guns.
LOL, is that why Trump is so popular among conservatives?? Because they want an outsider? It has nothing to do with his racist, misogynist rants? Trump is popular among stupid people because conservatives are stupid. He’s where he is for one reason, conservatives voted for him to represent them. He will get many votes…