
They must have spent at least 100 dollars or even more on that video.

@nlshelton: Ah, ok well it looks like I made some assumptions. That's pretty cool.

I dont think they're teaching anything honestly. Bad habits maybe.

When you load a page and it has someone else's data on it, that's a session caching bug.

@Bandit: Which is why Jason Chen is going to work for Apple in their PR department I heard.

Thanks guys!

The pie is a truth

Get ready for some cross-dressing, upskirt, sword-crossing excitement!

@TomXP411: I honestly couldnt even imagine trying to run a database-driven website that has that that kind of traffic spike potential.

@Rondogg: "I've wiped entire civilizations off my chest with a grey gym sock" — Bill Hicks

I wrote a web app that went horribly wrong like that. I "misconfigured" how the application cached data and it ended up serving you data unrelated to your previous request.

"But it's the sort of gimick that will require a hunt for your socks afterward."

Am i the only gamer who doesnt want to swing a wii remote to play a game?

This game has a lot of potential...

Kill 'em with kindness dummy!

Could god create a cup of coffee too hot for him to drink?

Dear Peter:

Hmm, my favorite Sonic character. Let me think about that for a minute.

That's weird...