I’m wondering how quickly nothing will happen.
I’m wondering how quickly nothing will happen.
A filthy rich person buying privileged unfettered access to a member of the most influential body in the judicial branch with gifts would be considered aggravated corruption in just about any democratic country.
I was just about to say that, they would look extra nice lowered, but man I still hate that it’s called a mustang.
The Mach-E. But, Ford, listen, please stop calling it a Mustang.
150 more miles than a Hummer and 100 more than the Silverado/Sierra EV on a similarly sized battery?
Like wtf did these fascists think they were going to do on the board, approve scripts? Cancel shows, movies and casting direction? Like seriously what power did they even think they were going to have?
But people who tow a boat twice a year (and spend the rest of the year complaining about gas/diesel prices while getting 8mpg) sure do love to brag about the tow capacity of their vehicles.
This crew (Alito, Thomas, Boof, Gorsuch, and OfMitch) along with the now-useless Roberts, have destroyed the traditions that earned the SCOTUS the wide respect of citizens for two hundred years. Nice going, you partisan hacks.
The creepy Federalist Society’s hand picked mole justices, shady?? How dare you
Quick correction to this part of the article: “He had reportedly been arrested for these charges and pleaded guilty to two counts in October of that same year.” He pleaded NOT guilty to the two counts. The current version makes things very confusing.
He was lied to, then he took the further steps of believing the lie, learning ok depth what to say and do, and trying to use the lie.
Sovereign Citizens and related movements don’t so much scream “mentally ill” as they scream “Nobody can tell me what to do”.
“Where’s the moral outrage about an obviously mentally ill person being unjustly kill by (multiple) police officers?
Where’s the moral outrage about an obviously mentally ill person being unjustly kill by (multiple) police officers?
*Never* during the warranty period. After that? It is only a problem for the after market.
I feel like car companies are designing cars with the thought that they will NEVER break down.
Everything about this system sounds stupid and dangerous.
Lexus Employee 1 : Oh no, the focused-group turned our vehicle into a bland appliance box. What do we do?
This whole article and you can’t bother to list a single example of a valuable $2 bill?
Newsflash - if your $2 bill is from 1976 and NEWER - It’s worth $2. MAYBE you can convince some sucker to pay more for a CRISP 1976 $2 bill, or if it has a unique serial # (binary, trinary, birthdate) they are worth more but that…