If she forged a relationship with Aretha in her latter years *Mills Lane voice* I’ll allow it. Still, an invite would have been fine.
If she forged a relationship with Aretha in her latter years *Mills Lane voice* I’ll allow it. Still, an invite would have been fine.
you should listen to Ariana sing a few of Aretha’s hits. Listen she looks out of place, I agree, but the girl...she has the range
This schedule is bananas!!! Bill Clinton has never spoken for only 5 minutes in his life and he’s on the JV team of gasbags speaking. Jesse Jackson and Al Sharpton get 9 & 5 minutes to speak? Puh-leeze!! This thing could last a couple of days.
This isn’t a case of unclarified expectations. She clarified her expectations—explicitly—at least three times. He just didn’t care.
Any popehat answer is likely to be the best lawsplainer of it exists. Unless it involves undersized horses. The man's biased AF in that area.
and 85% of Americans think: that means I’ll have to eat me once that big promotion comes/I hit the MegaBall/a long-lost uncle/aunt bequeaths me billions
Confit. Cook them slowly in the byproducts of their own vanity.
No, it’s Elon Musk.
Eat the rich.
Maxwell’s Urban Hang Suite is the best baby-making music. Fuuuuuck yeah.
Yeah, let’s not forget that Wyclef literally stole money via a sham charity that was supposed to benefit Haiti. But we hate on her way more.
1)Ms. Hill shows up LATE (like hours late. HOURS) monologues excessively when she does perform with no sense of connection or empathy with the audience who had to save (and sometimes scrimp) to come see her, and will perform maybe 20 minutes of a 90 minute set (that she, again, showed up late for) before feeling ‘overw…
Reminder, Trump is still president and 53% of white women put him there. So yes, it is typical in white america.
These two statements would seem to slightly contradict themselves.
but it is a political, not judicial decision
John McCain cheated on his wife before his capture, and once she was in a car accident that damaged her face, put her in a wheelchair, and caused her to gain weight he started openly dating other women, before proposing to a rich woman more than a decade younger than him while he was still married. And you think “Oh,…
He was diagnosed with a 0% chance of surviving his brain cancer, and he didn’t resign because he knew he might linger long enough that he’d be replaced by an appointed Senator rather than an elected one. If he’d resigned a few months ago, Arizona would be holding an election to fill his seat. John McCain decided…
Anecdotally: Of the 258 titles in my DVD queue right now, 22 are available via streaming. At 8.5%, I think this is actually a little lower than it’s been in the past - I think it’s come out just over 10% the last couple times I’ve checked. Which kinda makes sense, since the increasing fragmentation of licenses across…
Going for the modern-day Jodie Foster double-feature, huh?
340 is enough, you’re driving it wrong.