no one at all of interest

Lol. The family court guy?

And one of the helicopter pilots who shot the OJ white bronco chase.

Shapiro is at best a ‘manlet’.

Or Gorka

So, African war crimes. Not British war crimes against Africa.

Daniel Craig looks like a thumb in a tuxedo

Don’t forget racism and colonialism.

The time a woman ran naked out of a trailer he was in was probably an early indication.

Maybe it’s time to admit that Nicki Minaj doesn’t care if you have abuse underage girls.  Eg. her brother and his 11 y/o stepdaughter.

Do people not grasp that Cash interrupts her performance and says she’s debasing herself and then goes to the Lift party and then does the exploitative rap song. Repetition and mirroring.

500 Days is literally “Unreliable Narrator”

It was literally on the screen.

Did Mr. ____ have to shout “Stop! Stop! This is unacceptable!” for you to know that the rap song was bad? Or was the look of discomfort bordering on horror enough to tell you that what you were watching was unnacceptable?

We’re not talking homeless here, we’re talking panhandlers. And given the addresses listed it doesn’t surprise me that they’re mostly white.

Wow. There’s the likely explanation. And it would be well deserved.

Like Zuckerberg and Gates?

Was it the Russians?

Are we including the illegitimate part? Allegedly.

Did we ever find out why Clark broke that car window?

AmErIcA iS aLrEaDy GrEaT!