no one at all of interest

I’d feel better if she’d actually named him and the woman she says took his side.

<two spidermans pointing at each other.jpg>

Ironically for filming his BIL with a prostitute

Muffin Top, Muffin Top

Got her vision fixed and realized she was dating drug era Culkin.

A movie like that exists to win awards. The kind of awards you win for having done the “most” acting. Like Leto in DBC or Bale in any of his weight fluctuation roles.

How do you tell a conversion/affirmation story if you don’t start with the character’s assigned gender. Unless Laverne Cox and her twin brother are the only possible casting choice.

Who agreed to this? What governing body?

The argument on Drax has been that he’s wrong, obviously wrong. And that his statements are meant to be outrageous to even the simplest person.

Drejka, does the permit patty dance, front and back. Then says something to the driver as he’s walking away. The driver must say something back. Drejka walks back and words seem to escalate. McGlockton comes up behind Drejka and shoves him several feet and to the ground. 

He admitted it after she contacted him and tampered with a witness.

Wall, you meant wall.

She fired a “warning shot” in the direction of and head level at a man helping small children put on coats so they could leave.

Can you explain how the white guy who was assaulted from behind “started the fight”?

Are you arguing that the white guy was justified in his vigilante shooting because the black guy assaulted him?

Wasn’t that shove Aggravated Assault in Florida?

There are side windows on the canopy

If the issue is consent.. Then what’s the difference?

By your standards. Like how FGM is by their standards.

This does seem like a particularly expensive way to do this.