
I remember when Joe Biden said that Giuliani needed three parts to a sentence - a noun, a verb, and 9/11.

Smart move. Anyone who’s ever watched Mad Men knows Roger Sterling always has some money in his pocket.

Oh damn it why did I think I was being clever, after 58 other comments were already posted?!?! You win, Junwello! You win...this time....

Hugh Jasshole

I’ve seen a lot of Katy’s reporting, because I keep MSNBC on in the background, and his decision to go after her makes me laugh. She’s been one of the fairest people covering him, always unwilling to take the bait when someone in the studio tries to get her to dish on the latest craziness. Not that she stuck up for

Librul media.

And the Freedom Loving Real American Trump Following Patriots probably see nothing at all wrong with the intimidation and silencing of journalists.

I was not prepared for another post about a woman feeling threatened in politics. Can we have a 1 post per day rule? I’m still reeling from Gwen Snyder’s story.

The Secret Service...had to protect a reporter...FROM A PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATE AND HIS CROWD. I just....

And that was incredibly ridiculous and offensive. Your point?

Again, these scenarios seem to be ok with you. I don't think they should be but you do you.

By ‘sexy’, you mean her trademark blue steel look with the squint and half open mouth, like she’s doing in the picture above? Otherwise known as, JLo’s only facial expression.

Even if she wasn’t co-producing, Hollywood would either hire: Eva Mendes, Eva Longoria or Jennifer Lopez. There is probably an Excel spreadsheet with the name of 6 or 7 “go to” Hispanic actresses that could have been hired on the project. But they would have probably still have gone with Jennifer Lopez.

JLO doesn’t have the chops. Did you ever see that movie about Hector Lavoe? She was trying to act “hard” and it was really really bad.

What investigative journalist pretends to be gay? Or trans*? Or Black? Or any other ethnicity that they are not?

Gay men have never had sex with women? Straight men and women have never had sex with same-sex partners?

Also reporters going into the app for "journalistic" purposes and revealing that there are top athletes who may not be out in public on the app- even if they do not name them, is going to cause someone with less scruples to do the same, and potentially out them, and not all the countries at the Olympics will take

she’s a co-producer so I assumed she hired herself for the role and then Hollywood concurred.

hey but she is going to do sexy all the way

This bothers me on so many levels. One, because Hollywood ALWAYS gives their Hispanic roles to Jennifer Lopez. And two, because there are so many hispanic people from many countries that would probably do better for this role. Hey, why not hire a South American actress that would do the correct Colombian accent.