
I was very close to putting Strangers When We Meet for my list. Everyone Says 'Hi" has always been lovely.

don't get me started on Phil Collins and how great Sussudio is.

Reality is definitely underrated. She Drives The Big Car is one of my favs, too, along with Pablo Picasso and Days. TND is also a fantastic album

I still get intermittent waves of grief from his death. Black Star can be tough to listen to just for the constant reminder of it all

and you're obviously a Bowie fan so you can't be half bad. :)

How to Disappear Completely-Radiohead
New Career in a New Town- David Bowie
I Appear Missing- Queens Of the Stone Age

Which is no Der Kommissar

I've never liked Hey Jude.

Now I'll have to argue that Era Vulgaris is their most underrated…because "Turnin' the Screw", "Sick, Sick, Sick" and "Misfit Love" are three of the most rippin songs ever created by anybody

I don't remember that at all. I would have to see evidence. I watched when he was on originally so it's been a while but recall no nervousness or uncomfortableness

I don't recall him stumbling. I liked Nealon, actually.

Damon played a great villain in School Ties

But she's a Mark Twain winner!!!(barf)

I'd say the Blues Hammer bit was pretty funny in Ghost World

Seriously, Judd Apatow needs to hire an editor.

'Frances Ha' or 'Girl Doesn't Measure Up to Her Successful, Rich New York Artist Friends'. Comedy ensues..? Not so much. Maybe decent indie film but definitely not on any level of super funny.

Old Sourpuss on top of his game.

That's the song that got me into U2. What The Edge did on every part of that song was mind blowing.

I don't think Kulap High-knee Socks would appreciate that

have you ever heard his drumming? Pretty good stuff