
The Kinjapocalypse is happening the same night that my favorite athlete got traded to my second least favorite team for a flat earther lunkhead (a very talented flat earther lunkhead but a flat earther lunkhead nonetheless). I don't deal well with change.

And then somehow washing up onshore with Bronn miles away from anyone. I fully expected there to be a Tyrion/Dany/Bronn/Jaime showdown at the start of the next episode. That shit was stupid as hell the writing really has been very sloppy.

Did anyone *really* think he was going to die? Even when he was stranded, underwater against thousands of wights, White Walkers and the Night King? The stakes never felt high.

IMDb got fucking baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaad at the end there. I remember watching The Invitation and holy mother of Christ seeking discussion about a movie with a gay couple, an Asian couple and an interracial couple at that dank urine soaked hell hole was AWFUL. Used to be a decent forum too.

I might try the Kinja thing out but I've never even tried to get invested with it on sites I used to frequent like Deadspin so I'll use this opportunity to say a "smell ya later" to you fine folks. Thanks especially to everyone who contributed throughout the years to the review sections of shows like Game of Thrones

Jon REALLY needs to get back to Winterfell to have that chat with Bran. In fact, he needs to start sending ravens to Winterfell when he's gone for weeks. Maybe keep them abreast of the fact that he's walking into almost certain death.

The planned solution could be insane depending on whether a lot of these theories regarding Bran and his involvement with the Night King are true. Regardless it's clear he has a huge, as yet to be determined role to play in all of this.

Well since you hate the show and it's fans so much why not steer clear of articles like this one? Surely there are forums where you can talk strictly about the GoT books without mentions of the show or the plot points that may or may not even be in the two novels (as far as I know aside from the Night King the only

Have you tried treating them as two separate entities? Or alternatively not caring what other people think?

Very disappointed in what they've done with Jaime so far. He's getting played like a fiddle and I swear if the breaking point to finally make him come to his senses is Cersei choosing Euron or having some type of sexual relationship with him I will flip out

I'm choosing to believe that every scene between Arya and Sansa in Winterfell is a performance under the assumption that Littlefinger has eyes/ears on them. Otherwise they are undoing seasons worth of character development especially for Arya and it's making me irrationally angry.

Arya would probably be more on board with Sansa doubting Jon's ability to rule if he had sent her a raven about his brilliant plan.

"Jon has cancelled his pickup request."

I mean fair enough I guess but there are a lot of people following her who believe in what she believes in. If she were to catch a straw arrow to the heart what becomes of them? They just allow Cersei to continue to rule? It's unlikely that the Dothraki and the Unsullied would serve anyone else but I don't know it

Dany is being needlessly stubborn putting off the naming of her succession until she ascends to the Iron Throne. She could have easily been killed twice this season.

Why in God's name did Jon not take Dany's hand and get on Drogon when he had the chance?! To kill 10 more wights? He was going to take on the Night King, the other White Walkers and thousands of wights? Alone, weak and freezing to death? This episode was a God damn mess, man.

Not really at all with most of my friends but to a good percentage of people on the internet: Lil Wayne.

"You listen to Waka Flocka at all?"
"Is that a band or a song?"
"That's…a man."

You think explaining Comedy Bang Bang is hard? Try explaining Hollywood Handbook to someone who has never listened to it.

I would have thought The Devil and God was untouchable but…I'm gonna give this some time. This is really good.