
"Don't forger Master of Brooding, your grace."

Ahhh damn I remember the scenary being beautiful and thinking it was Highgarden for some reason. My fault. Ok being escorted by Loras in King's Landing eating lemon cakes then still preferable to…anything to do with Ramsay.

"You're a clever man, but not half as clever as you think you are."
"Still makes me more clever than you."

"Oh and by the way in case you'd forgotten your love for your sister will undoubtedly be your doom and you're powerless to do anything about it. Oh and I killed that little coward c*nt of a son of yours, too."

"Oh and by the way in case you'd forgotten your love for your sister undoubtedly be your doom and your powerless to do anything about it. Oh and I killed that little coward cunt of a son of yours, too."

The performances across the board were wonderful tonight. Harrington and Clarke have both improved so much and that was the most Hill and especially Dinklage were given to do in a very long time.

It went from very disappointing (since it was set up as Arya's reunion) to sweet when I could put that aside and realize that this is a pretty emotional reunion as well and one I hadn't focused on as much to…pretty creepy when he reminded her of her marriage to Ramsay.

Like the fact that Jon is really Lyanna's son and not Ned's?! I know Bran has changed a lot but I would think that would be elicit more than "Oh is Jon around, I have something he might want to know".

This was brought up on Alt Shift X but surrounding the city and starving the people into submission isn't a whole lot more humanitarian than burning them with dragons. In fact it's arguably more cruel since it would be such a drawn out process. But I suppose they couldn't just siege King's Landing in the first episode

That happened! Olenna berated a terrified boy who had to fetch cheese for her. Aww she'll never berate another cheese boy ever again.

Yeah, what the fuck? "Good, I want to talk to Jon."

"Yes and there you are at Highgarden eating lemon cakes while being escorted around by that dreamboat Loras Tyrell."

"My lady, someone is at the gates."

That look on her face when the man from the Iron Bank refused her wine was priceless. Like she couldn't fathom someone being offered a glass and saying no.

Comparing Grey Worm and Missandei's sex scene to the "Hallelujah" Watchmen scene is a bridge too far, man.

Yara makes a great prisoner, as do Tyene and Ellaria since they can be tortured for information but a bargaining chip? Dany and her crew have bigger things to worry about than those three. Not like she's going to trade a dragon for Yara anytime soon.

Cool, thanks!

I haven't heard Metric yet! Their discography looked intimidating and I didn't know where to start. Any recommendations?

When casting the kid actors for Stranger Things they had them read lines from Stand By Me so King was clearly a huge influence as well.

I was never much of a fan but I'm really liking Tyler, the Creator's new album a lot. I think he matured a ton as a producer and especially as a rapper. Besides that I randomly started playing Say Anything because I was trying to remember the name of a song I used to play a lot in college (it was "This is Fucking