
According to EW: Kristen Wiig, The SNL vet has signed on for a recurring role.

No, you need a small ruler that features millimeters.

He was super cute as the plastics factory boss on Roseanne.

Thanks, Aaron!

Tell me where to find these recaps of yours, Aaron. Would love to read them.

@Aaron upvoted for the "it's [sic]" Yay, grammar!

Plus, you get to pause and go pee or grab a snack at your leisure!

Dang, man. Thanks for the info.

He hits his brother with a brick, not a rock.

I had to go looking for a better view of the Sutherland portrait and on the webpath I found an interesting and at times exquisite set of photos and paintings of QE2:…

She was referring back to something Porchey said about himself earlier.

I was imagining the girl would snap her baby's neck as soon as the infant was given to her.

This episode was much WTF to me.
Helen is "getting dinner" in Montauk? a two and a half hour drive from NYC? And when Alison wants to tell Helen "something about the night Scotty died" Helen doesn't want to hear it? and Alison compliantly doesn't tell her anyhow? G-ddammit, but I guess there would never be much

minor correction: the BBC mini has 3 parts

Tagomi is my fave; just awesome.

I so identify with Fiona's "Yeah, how do we get her into the ground as soon as possible [as as cheaply]?" I can't wait.