Could have been far worse. Hillary could be our new president.
Could have been far worse. Hillary could be our new president.
Yeah when entertainers die it’s tragic. When anyone else dies, who cares.
Popularity means nothing about credibility or scientific value so who cares. Obamacare is a total piece of shit.
“Gentrifying” means to improve, so you’re using that word incorrectly you fool. And if people, especially from dirt poor countries, stopped having so many kids that they can’t afford to support, overpopulation wouldn’t be an issue.
I thought it was great so I guess that makes you a liar.
People have started making fun of BuzzFeed by saying it’s turning into Gizmodo.
The’re just mindless idiots who don’t read past headlines and knee jerk react to things to virtue signal.
Oh but step outside the handful of “Western” countries where the age of consent is 18 and it’s fine though, right? I’ll bet you think gambling is horrible except when you’re in Vegas too.
“Underage” is pretty arbitrary once you get past physiological considerations which aren’t an issue at 15. “Underage” is also pretty varied depending on where you are so you can’t claim any moral high ground with an “18 and under is underage” position when in most of the world it’s not even 18.
I know that hating Microsoft is fun but com on. This has nothing to do with Microsoft but it shows just how much of an intellectually dishonest fanboy you are when the only time you can criticize Apple for fucking up is when you follow it up by inaptly pointing out that Microsoft is still worse. Because it’s still the…
Maybe people are sick of all the clickbait and provoke-for-profit content. Gizmodo should take note.
We’re all screwed, because 40 years of arms race killed everyone, right? Oh, wait, it didn’t. And what exactly is not building up nuclear weapons going to do to stop other countries from doing it, who are doing it first and regardless of what we do? Assuming that us building up arms does nothing, it also doesn’t hurt…
And Hillary’s top aide was married to a pedophile. What’s your point?
Better than Hillary’s madness and how has 2016 taken its last victim when the year isn’t over and something like 55k-60k people die every day? Idiot.
Assumes Santa figured out how to move that fast but not how to deal with acceleration and deceleration.
Reddit this, Wikileaks that. What, you’re not going to accuse me of being a Fox News or Breitbart fan too? If you’re going to build a strawman, at least put some effort into it, even though we all know it’s a shitty one anyhow. Have some pride in your stupidity, it’s all you’ve got.
We get it, dude. You can’t address actual points so you resort to lame personal jabs... The hallmark of an idiot.
Saying black kids have a 99% chance of killing each other in an obviously hyperbolic statement isn’t racist nor does it make him racist. It’s inaccurate but it’s not racist. This is just more SJW bullshit, tossing around baseless accusations of racism and blatantly misusing the word to try and lend credibility to your…
God? Don’t bring Zeus into this, it’s not his fault Zuckerburg is a retard who likes to hype up the stupid and boring pet projects he’s doing. If you’re going to make your business public, expect public scrutiny.
Sounds like you’ve got a miserable, vacuous life.