
Yeah this self entitled human garbage who thinks her minuscule and irrelevant job at a Univision propaganda mouthpiece blog means all her drivel is somehow profound and true. What a sad, self-deluded individual. She thinks she’s making a new feminist buzzword a trend. She should focus on more important things like

So what you wrote here must be Cuntthreading then

It lost Hillary an election. Well, it certainly helped her lose it.

It is factually and demonstrably over budget. Here’s a list of the cost overruns. The fact that a cost overrun exists means that it is explicitly over budget.

Why are you suddenly interested in Trump’s interest in the F-35?

Of course they want the world to burn to prove a point. They only care about others accepting their opinions as truth, not what the actual truth is. Even if Trump makes the world burn, that doesn’t in any way suggest much less prove that Clinton wouldn’t have done the same or worse. They think it does though.

I guess some contrast, any contrast, to the Clinton News Network and Uniclinton, which owns, is something.

Fuck Lockheed’s stock price. They’re a corrupt, incompetent, and greedy company that’s a leech on the tax payer’s balls.

“Don’t worry about the specifics.”

So the same idiots who think that politics should just be business as usual are blind to the fact that business as usual is what’s created all sorts of messes and the inability to clean any of them up.

“and concocted the largest expansion of the economy ever seen in history”

Lying? Sure, name me one politician who isn’t a liar. Racist? You do know that one unfounded accusation of saying black people are lazy by some disgruntled ex employee doesn’t make someone racist right? Or were you talking about Trump’s comments about Mexicans? Because Mexicans aren’t a race. <gasp> <shock> Yes, it’s

Well considering an actual democracy, as in the original, Greek democracy, government officials were selected at random, not voted for, and those officials then voted for a smaller group, yes, we’ve never lived in a democracy. So the fuck what?

By “stole” you mean won. And I’m guessing you thought Hillary was some saint that would solve all problems?

Things have happened! Things! It’s not hyperbole, because conjecture and insults!

“But surely you recognize that he will, in fact, fuck shit up.”

Save the hyperbole? If you get rid of the hyperbole and lies, Gizmodo has nothing to publish.

“There’s been a bit of criticism circulating about Westworld’s representation of LGBT sexuality”

This is an outrage! Only the US is allowed to interfere with the politics of other nations!

LOL > democratic