
‘Looks like somebody we know!’

10/10, would Schiano-man read again.

Yeah I realized that after I posted it! D’oh!!

Now playing you not know how Russians drive??

Awesome sleeper: 10/10


I can absolutely deny that he’s bringing about positive industrial change on a global scale.  Since I am not a Musk fanboy like yourself, I do not think the things he’s accomplished make him into a god or someone who should be elevated.  And as for you calling me names, well, let’s just say I’m not surprised.  Go

See you get it.  Musk should’ve called him an asshole or a motherfucker like normal people and nothing would’ve come of this.  But noooooo, not Musk!  He had to go above and beyond with his insult.

Listen, you sound like a Tesla and Musk fanboy who won’t see that he cannot handle criticism. Unsworth told him to get out of here with his little submarine, might have even thrown in a ‘fuck’ for good measure, but you thinking that that is a perfectly good reason for a billionaire to go after that guy is ridiculous!

This isn’t Nam!

Seriously? He responded to mild criticism by calling someone he doesn’t know a pedophile. How is that not thin skinned?

Props to you for having the patience to deal with these dumbass Republican bootlickers.

Musk is such a fucking moron!

Easy.  Not Musk.

The only thing Man U is good for is being mentioned in the book ‘Among The Thugs’, which is a fantastic read! But seeing them suck so hard is awesome and amazing!


I will FREAK OUT if they win a World Cup!  Like, I have no idea how my liver will handle the booze I’d be pouring down my throat!

No way he rides the bench.  If Koeman is talking with him and since he’s kicking serious ass at Ajax, he’ll get playing time.  The KNVB is not fucking around, and with so many Dutchies playing in major leagues around the world they want to make a serious push into the Euros and the World Cup.  And dudes like Dest can


+ Bodega Boys