Doesn't it also sound like hella Ace of Base? The one part is just like "Don't Turn Around."
Doesn't it also sound like hella Ace of Base? The one part is just like "Don't Turn Around."
And Lady Gaga sucks. Where do we go from here?
One can only hope.
I have been casually hoping for Lindsay's turnaround since 2007. I really hope this time sticks, and I don't give a fuck what the haters say. In my opinion, if you've got nothing better to do than talk shit about how "terrible" Lindsay Lohan is, you are a mean person who has way too much time on their hands. Because…
I mean...Lohan's been in a bunch of super shitty movies, largely because of her lack of credibility, so I think it's pretty unfair to judge her based on her less-than-stellar performance in I Know Who Killed Me, etc.
Seriously, that comment is all kinds of "wtf?!".
You are demonstrating a fundamental misunderstanding with the grammar of the English language, as well as the function of the noun when utilized as a direct object.
Yeah, this person's repeated comments smack of trolling, to me. When someone uses as many three-syllable words as possible in one short paragraph on a casual online forum, it's always a bad sign.
Care to link to some of your publications, then?
That's because one has to offer something (an object), and you stated that you are offering your body—in this case, your body is an object that you are indeed offering. The grammar fail is not on the part of marilove.
I don't disagree entirely with some of your points here, but are you a Renaissance scholar? Because your affirmation that Renaissance bodies were in some sense healthy is rather ahistorical—if you're at all familiar with Medieval/Renaissance diets, there was a distinct lack of food that we might consider nutritious,…
Seconded. I pass over things like that because I assume I probably won't be interested in it/there are too many links to open in general without knowing what you're getting into. (My computer is not as fast as it used to be.)
Your midriff sounds delicious!
Congratulations! That is wonderful news, and something to be extremely proud of.
Hahaha. I am def stealing that term.
You'll note the "or" in that clause, meaning that I am in no way equating all sex work with sex trafficking. But let's not pretend that some sex workers are in fact trafficked, even in the US.
That's why it's so audacious! It's daring, putting yourself in contact with so many rich pastries without trying a bite. It's rash, greasing up one of your numerous Hermès scarves, all in the name of whimsy. What a thrill!