Ms. Poppycock

I think this person is enjoying getting reactions from well-meaning overweight/obese people who are trying in good faith to reply to their first post and in the process, sharing their own struggles and insecurities with this person. That allows the OP to set up the "army of strawmen" and revel in their supposed

Look in the mirror, yo. courtneys_keyboard replied to your admittedly unnecessary snark in a pretty valid way (because assessing her exercise routine and determining she has "plateaued" is really not something you can do from your keyboard), and all you have to say is that she is overweight because she's a "bitch"?

I think the point is that many people relegated to the 'greys' are simply looking to ruffle feathers, not that all posters in the grey have nothing to contribute to the discussion. The featured system here is weird and seemingly impenetrable.

Fair enough. She is one of my oldest friends, and we have discussed this countless times over the years, from adolescence to adulthood. So it's more than an off-hand discussion that I took at "face value" but an extended conversation. I guess that's really all I have to say.

Hahaha. I don't spar with trolls who confuse the profuse with the profound. And yep, you're still a scumbag.

Yep, that is in fact what I said, and it's indeed true. You don't know my friend's extended family, so you're clearly in no position to comment. She is *from* the West Coast—her dad's family is not. I'm sorry this very simple facet of human existence—being from different parts of a given country—are difficult for you

I'm not sure what your point is. One of the final things I'll say on this is, geographic location might have a lot to do with your ignorance to her situation and experience. We are from the Northwest, from one of the whiter states in the nation, with extremely low diversity and a very small Black population.

Another burner account? Nice.

Yeah, again—no. Nothing about her experience is in any way "pathological" and I find it really disturbing that you keep trying to pin that label on this. It in no way defies reality that having a white mother and black father would result in a child feeling like they belong in neither race, and while as I said above

Revise away. I'm afraid you're still missing the point, but appreciate your good faith.

The point was, she identifies as both, not simply one, and always has because she has not felt at home as either. I'm sorry this is so hard for you to grasp, and that you take it personally. This is a discussion site, where people have discussions—I had one with Loveapple, and quite frankly your style of "discourse"

This is the stuff of nightmares.


I did not realize he was in To Wong Foo!

WTF is this?

It ended too soon. :(

Yesss, Michael Vartan <3 <3 <3

I don't completely disagree with that, but you need to understand that Jezebel is really not a feminist publication, and many of the contributors are indeed writing for page-clicks, not in the hopes of achieving any kind of feminist endgame. With that said, equating Jezebel with "feminists" is itself "so ignorant."

People say ridiculous shit like that on Gawker sites (including Jezebel) all the time...

Nah, I think your joke-o-meter is just off ;) (I did not read your post as humorous and thought you were being totally serious).