
It’s an embarrassment of riches.

What that heat map had me thinking was “This is the modern/better Steve Carlton”. Almost the same exact pitcher except Carlton threw a slider and Kershaw’s got a curve. Both threw the same two pitches to the exact same spot and allowed the hitters to get themselves out however they pleased. Pitching is a slightly

That is clearly a mana potion dummy

Drew have you tried frying an egg *ON* cheese? My sister is a chef and turned me onto this. It takes a fair bit of practice, mostly finding the right heat in the pan. You shred about half a cup of cheddar or other oily/melty cheese, mix it up with some parmesan to get a good crust, let that melt and get real oily,

I am 34 and the other day I sprained my thumb trying to learn to open a bottle of beer with a lighter, a skill I somehow failed to learn in college. Felix ain’t got nothin’ on me.

Ha Seung-Jin

I got out of class and walked into my dorm to see 5 -10 people huddled around the TV watching this. I saw K’s 17 - 20 and it was the most dominant athletic performance I’ve seen ever, in any sport.

Mexico City is at 7,000 ft. in elevation. Coors field is bad enough, but at that height you might as well be playing with helium filled balls.

So show your work, asshat. I guaran-damn-tee you if there were a case of a Bernie Sanders supporter pulling shit like this it would be front page 180 pt. font at Fox News.

You’ll be the first one eaten.

We’ll he’s a republican so there’s really no need to insinuate.

Thanks, I’m a fan. Your food articles are sorely missed. How about ungreying me?

John Kasich is that guy one step above you on the corporate ladder who seems like a good mentor so you go out for drinks with him one day after work and he lays out his theory on ‘the blacks’ until you pretend your wife just called with a baby emergency.

Q: How do you know someone is a vegan?

Find a V60 or V70R and forget all the other options in this list.

I flew to Cancun on a flight with Ric and his wife/partner in February and he couldn’t have been nicer or more welcoming of fan attention. I said hi to him in the departure lounge and then spent another 10 or so minutes talking to him waiting for his luggage. He offered to teach my 3 year old son some moves and took

We’re this years Houston Rockets! but you know, without being a specially selected ‘Dirty Dozen’ type squad of the league’s most hateable douches.

It’s a fairly smooth, mechanically sound shot but it looks like he’s flicking darts from a spot in the center of his forehead. He’s also got one of the higher arcs in the league which means that when he gets part of the rim his shot is more likely to bounce out of the basket (this is just my observation, not statcast

It is possibly my favorite thing about sports, among all the other awesomeness, that sports owners are living proof that just having a shit load of money doesn’t make you a smart, competent, or good person.

Exactly. I was a senior in college when Facebook started happening. It was amazing for maybe 3 years, just us and our friends and a place to share anything. Then parents joined and it was mostly a way to coordinate family events, and now it’s a way to share two or three carefully selected photos from vacation with