
I get the weird interaction targeting bug. I'll go to pick up loot and all the sudden my character is hopping around like an asshole. I've also had the game go completely silent twice now and the entry to the town of Redcliffe was blocked by a frozen Rift image that couldn't be interacted with. Luckily resetting has

I keep a variety 30 pack (Thank the Gods for Costco) in my basement at all times for emergency parties.

I took it in college and had a 9 hour conversation with a chair on my porch about the nature of the universe. Beautiful truths were revealed, and then forgotten. But first you get to painfully puke your guts out for an hour or more.

I adore my 1st gen Moto X. It's also the first phone I've ever enjoyed. Why people aren't massively copying the shake to activate camera feature is beyond me. That was the single best addition to phone capabilities made in quite a while, IMHO.

I love Old Chub, and if you can ever get your hands on some (I think it's still pretty local), grab a tall boy of Fearless Brewing's Scottish Ale. It's the best Scotch/Wee Heavy ale I've ever had.