none shy

He lobbied hard to be allowed to buy a hefty pair of handcuffs.”

Eh, he’ll be just fine using his hand or a pillow. The big thing, for me, is reminding my son that the people in porn are acting, and that the sex they’re having isn’t any more real than the fighting in action movies.

Real sex is like watching a real fight, incompetent drunken idiots flailing at each other until they

This guy gives such shitty advice. I’ve had a number of friends fuck up their lives for years listening to this doofus.

The snark kind of seems mean spirited, but The Last Airbender did really suck huge balls so it kind of balances out.

I’m on the basketball team at that school and I’d just like to say that following that act was rough.

Also, it just feels different, to me, putting down a book or comic when I get bored, and picking it up a day or a week or a month later than it does pausing a television show in the middle of an episode.

I think one of the problems you might be having with the show as opposed to the comics is that you can read and absorb comics at your own pace, and that pace is just a lot faster than the show. The speed the show moves at forces you to dwell on unpleasant things for longer than you need to, and for longer than the

I think an argument made that character design is enough of an integral part of animation that you can judge the quality of animation partially by its character design. It’s not an argument I care enough to actually have, though, so I just went with the flow. ;)

Eh.... it’s a comedy so it -probably- won’t win.

I’m a bargain bin, 4th rate, very used O’Neal at best. :(

aw fuck, now i gotta go edit my post with a comic panel in it.

you win again, guilt... next time.

i always get a chuckle out of the “HELF” strip.

As a non-gifted jock kid I just keep pushing until I take out the front of the building. Word stuff is for nerds.

i’m an old fuck who only watched the first couple seasons of Pokemon and my first though was, “wow, that character design looks like like shit.”

sorry, i’m only taking part in the counter-culture this weekend.

lol, yeah, there are some made up whale species in the lists too.

I feel that way about 99% of it, but I can’t watch “Upper Class Twit of the Year” without laughing.

How did he do on the interminable lists of whale varieties?

“(Said clip does not feature a moment where Tony Stark fires back pointing out that spiders aren’t bugs, but hey, we’re already pretty far into missed opportunity territory here anyway.)“

Errr, Spiders are definitely bugs. That’s totally acceptable word usage. >_< 

It’s a good thing he clearly stated he changed his mind and re-examined his opinions and reasons for holding them, huh?