Say what you will about Vin Diesel, but he’s very easy to laugh at. Part of the appeal of most of the movies is how incredibly seriously he appears to take the lines he’s reading, and how incredibly goofy he looks doing it.
Say what you will about Vin Diesel, but he’s very easy to laugh at. Part of the appeal of most of the movies is how incredibly seriously he appears to take the lines he’s reading, and how incredibly goofy he looks doing it.
I think she’d be more likely not to vote at all if there wasn’t anyone she liked, but it’s possible she’d vote for Trump over Sanders or Warren. She’s very afraid of “socialists” who want to give away “free stuff.”
My wife’s aunt, who voted for Trump last time around and has actually changed her mind on him in the last four years, likes Hickenlooper and Biden but doesn’t like Sanders or Warren.
I’m not expressing my own preferences or talking about all Republicans here, just naming a couple that one Republican would support.
Next you’re going to be telling me there isn’t a cohesive story behind emoji and emoticons and you couldn’t make a good movie about them.
My wife is a trained reiki healer and certified to teach other people how to do it (certified by who? who cares! she has a piece of paper she paid money for that says she is!) and I mock her for it all the time. Just like I mock her for thinking I have some sort of eternal spirit inside me that will flow off into the…
“We wanted the ACA, and now, like Republicans, want it blown it up?”
laughing from your deep dark dungeon where you’re always, always alone?
There’s not worst or best with this sort of total shit. It’s all just shit. You’re ranking turds.
Everything can be a police procedural if you’re a lazy enough writer.
Hey, I haven’t seen you in a while. Nice to see you’re still a complete idiot.
I can’t believe you went to all that effort to write something so stupid. The best part is that you have no idea what “pedantic” means.
No, I got your point, you just did a terrible job making it. :D
You might like Jackie Brown tbh.
The good thing about truly wretchedly totally-bad Trek episodes is that they eventually become happy memories. By the time you’re done with your binge you’ll look back on it with weirdly happy memories, like a family trip with lost hotel reservations and running out of gas in the middle of Nebraska.
whoa whoa whoa, I think you’re selling the theme from Family Matters short here. you’re still right, though, Family Matters debuted in 1989... those precious few years were the golden years for sitcom themes.
not arguing, just sharing information link:
Less more.
Yes. I got this cool pair of Calgary Flames gloves and I’d pretend they made my hands light on fire.
Raising a barn is hard fucking work that most people couldn’t even begin to be useful at, lol.
I grew up in Calgary and I’m concerned. Also, fuck you, Calgary is an amazing city.