nondairy product

Simpsons intro skipped around as episode length demanded: if an episode was running long, they could cut the intro to keep a few more jokes. If it was running short, they could do the full intro. I saw someone say at one point that some writers consciously wrote to the long intro so that, when syndicated with more

How about the end credits... as someone who works in the industry I think its a slap in the face that they just decide to not only a) squeeze the end credits into a tiny unreadable 1/8th of the screen, while they advertise all the other shows you’re sure to love and b) they only let that 1/8th square stay up for maybe

But you know he’d have wanted to do pre-cancer, slightly chubby Jobs AND post-cancer emaciated Jobs. Probably best he passed.

Seriously McCay should know he’s going to hurt himself.

Infinite Jest is calling.

Whenever Twin Peaks isn’t on the air, the other shows should ask ‘Where is Twin Peaks?’ Or ‘Why isn’t Twin Peaks showing right now?’

This is sooo good. They’re also one of the headliners at the Desert Daze Music Festival in Joshua Tree.


Everything about Trump has been so batshit crazy from the beginning that it would almost make sense if he randomly up and fucking died completely out of the blue.

Harryhausen hand animates them.

Yes, we all saw Rick and Morty.

Blazing Saddles is the funnier movie, but Young Frankenstein is the better movie.