
The lead photo makes me so sad. When I was a teenager like those girls, I listened to the lies of the pro-”life” movement, too, because I was young and didn’t know better. I want to run up to those girls and shake them, tell them they’re being lied to by their church, plead with them to do some research and think for

AND THE LAW! THE FUCKING LAW. I don’t have a large enough font or bold enough bold.


And if that doesn’t set off your righteous indignation, two more words will. Terry Schiavo.

Yes. And as additional proof that this isn’t over, THREE SCOTUS justices thought this TX law passed constitutional muster. I take that as pretty convincing evidence that they want to completely overturn Roe, as I cannot for the life of me see how anyone could keep Roe as law and at the same time allow this law to

What’s really needed is punishment for lawmakers who pass laws later deemed unconstitutional. There’s really no deterrent playing the appeals court waiting game outside of backfiring the “fiscal responsibility” claim, but...yeah.

The Texas legislature knew exactly what they were doing here, and they knew that even if the law was struck down, they’d win in the mid-term.

Glad this was overturned but the damage has already been done. It's going to take years for clinics to reopen or to make new ones. Still women are going to suffer while they rebuild.

I prefer a bunny swarm.

If you need another reason, he helped gut legislation that would have protected parts of the Everglades for the benefit of a few huge sugar producers in Florida.

This sad motherfucker was supposed to be the ‘smart’ one.

If you’re feeling sad, just remind yourself that he was Governor of Florida in 2000 and was instrumental in helping his brother steal the election.

From begininning to end, one of the stupidest things I’ve ever seen.

He was also a milliner before he started his photography career.

Very well said.

This man was the last of a dead breed of gentle, unjaded, and genuinely curious people living in a brutal environment that long ago ceased being accommodating to the creative and imaginative. Yes, New York, I mean you. See you later, fine friend. Thanks for the mirror.

Such a rare and extraordinary man. That documentary was kind of heartbreaking.

Super highly suggestable, you ever notice that whatever problem or disability a guest had, Oprah had like, the same shit? Waiting to hear about her struggles with testicular cancer!

I’m surprised you weren’t there.