“No one forced the alcohol down her throat.” True. Also true: he forced himself inside her. He raped her.
“No one forced the alcohol down her throat.” True. Also true: he forced himself inside her. He raped her.
It won’t happen.
Some of them even donned aviator sunglasses! How much more advocating can you ask for?!
LOLOLOLOLO. Yeah, I wouldn’t hold my breath waiting on that.
I just read that on Blind Gossip. Seems like bullshit to me, but it fits, I guess.
Remember their Lily Pulitzer line? Good times! (Except no, not really. Not even close.)
“this dumbass Jimmy Durante” — damn, good eye. Lol.
He’s crying for himself. And if he’s 19, then I’m 19. (I’m not.)
Why? He’s completly unremarkable.
What blessed ignorance.
“Depends on what you believe “enough” is, I suppose.” Nothing they would consider even for a second, if it were their saftey in question. But, to be fair, it wouldn’t be any person’s definition of safety, man or woman.
There are only a few things that fill me with broken-hearted range than that and I don’t even believe in God.
“Tell the truth.”
See my comment above yours. Ugh.
For most of my life my heart went out to people who were filled with self-loathing. No more. Now I understand how dangerous they are.
“Even though the paternal family have a lot of money, I don’t get how they could have a persuasive case.” They don’t need to have a persuasive case. They only need to have a lot of money. This is what I’ve been taught.
That’s being more respectful, not so much naive. Either way, though, still far better than someone who would throw parties in someone else’s home.
Caught that, too. But who am I to judge? My spelling is atrocious.
Ah, I see. Thank you for clarifying. Lack of sleep has made my mind mush.