
ok..... thats just ridicululous..... damn thing sounds like its barely turning over at 130mph.... most of the cars ive owned topped out lower than that

i couldn’t help but chuckle that the 200-260 mph time (about 13 seconds) was faster than the 0-60 time (about 16 seconds)

Per doctor’s orders, Mariano (and his dick) must avoid flopping on the pitch for the next three weeks.

All I hear is whining about ppl criticizing your for your comments. You don’t like ppl responding? Don’t post. What a cry baby . Whaaaa. Lol

When you work so hard to explain and/or justify need to wonder if perhaps you were wrong. Being “flip” and adding your own “artistic license” to an already disturbing story is rather disgusting. Seriously, who in the hell adds “artistic license” to a child rape story, you sick fuck? You’re literally a

Looks like dude raped his 3 year old son, but hey keep defending your edge lord jokes.

The Fingerbang episode of South Park was on last night.

I think you may be on to something

... that lead image was SO awkward and revealing. :(

I mean, she chooses to appear like this in front of millions of people so it’s fair game, no?

I know this is a troll article but putting both Ænima and Sargent Pepper On this list is a travesty.

Too damn funny watching a car disappear and hear it smash into something!

I’ve got to be honest, I want just the sound of that video as my ringtone.

As a feminist I try to not lead with “she’s so pretty” but...she’s so pretty!

And that was only half its full potential. It was scaled back so the pilot would have a fighting chance of getting out of there.

Came to post Tsar Bomba myself.