
I believe that exact phrasing was deliberate

I wasn’t confused - I knew what he meant, but he used the wrong term and I thought he might want to correct his mistake. BTW - I have 941 followers and follow 37, but my timeline is still a mess, so that quote of yours doesn’t really clarify anything...

If you’re still an active Twitter user, and if you’ve been collecting followers for years until your timeline became an unreadable mess, you might fantasize about burning it all down.

Is the aluminum foil wrapped around the meatloaf necessary? What if I used parchment paper instead? I’m not 100% comfortable with putting foil on something so acidic (ketchup) and heating it for an extended period of time. I think I used to know why this bothers me, but I forget...

Dr. Jerzy Targalski: Polish Historian / Cat Hero

Looks for a new job...

Work phone and email (while he still has a job):

Sous vide.

Now playing

Never a bad idea to wait for more info before passing judgment...

...Big Brother—the human zoo in which people are kept drunk, bored, and on-camera until they either get voted out of the house...

If you’re referring to Grodner, she’s been a producer on the show since season 2, but her manipulations of the show have definitely changed over the years. More than ever, the show works hard to create showmances, both in the way they cast the season and in how they stoke the showmance fires in pre-show interviews

Not just white people support Trump. His sycophants cover every race, but since your final statement refers specifically to African Americans, I created this little slideshow to highlight a few of his most vocal and visible black pundits.

Actor Jason Mitchell, best known for his role as Eazy E in Straight of Compton...

Ignorant racist pleads ignorance to her racism...

...Tesla accused Martin Tripp, a former technician...

Updated photo. Not hard to imagine this woman as a criminal, is it?

Now playing

For those who are still not sure who Lizzo is, perhaps this song, Water Me (used in a DIRECTV NOW commercial), will ring a bell:

Run free my friend, and show up when you want some fancy feast or to chill on the bed.

My comment was posted before your comment, so you predicted something that already happened. Impressive! But go ahead, say something like “but I didn’t see your comment when I posted mine, so I’m still right!” Whatever makes you feel superior - you seem to enjoy that...

The point of my post was to present the underlying material to someone who didn’t understand why people would blame Asia for Tony’s death. My heart breaks that Tony took his life, but I personally don’t blame Asia for his choices.