
I’m going to leverage your thought leadership when we ideate our next ecosystem disruption. I think a deep dive initiative will help unpack the core competencies needed to move the needle on our deliverables. Hopefully, it will incentivize engagement among key players. I’m out of pocket right now, so I can’t drill

We try to meet people where they’re at.

I’m gonna get exposed to a flyover tonight and be asked to stand for the National Anthem even though I’m just there to watch a football game.

You mean Lifehacker isn’t on this list? I riot!

Was talking about the Osaka/Gauff moment with my sister, a one-time serious athlete. She scoffed at the widespread amazement at the sportsmanship shown by both women. “Happens all. the. time. in women’s sports,” she said. 

Not to death, but definitely abuse...

Thanks for commenting, Mr. President!

Thhey were tricked by his name into thinking the character concerns were temporary, but just realized in camp that it's actually pronounced Poly-tay. 

You’re not going to get bulky by accident.

This is definitely true. The more familiar you are with the testing and regulations that apply to crops (and I’m only super familiar with those that apply to fresh market fruits and vegetables which are slightly different than field crops), the more you realize that there is a lot of science about how pesticides are

A lot of the labeling of food is sort of voodoo magic.

This is excellent advice. If you look back at the Adventist health study (and innumerable subsequent studies), it’s clear that replacing meat (of any type except fish) with vegetables and fruits and nuts and beans and seeds and whole grains, reduces your chance of heart attack, stroke, diabetes, hypertension.

Brazil is a badly written airport bookstore thriller.

During the stoppage, Mokhtari asked the Nancy players to instruct the fans to stop.

I think the part about being showered needs to be in the headline, not just the body:
“Do a Hard Workout (and Shower) Before Getting on a Plane”
You’d think this would go without saying, but we have people putting their bare feet on bulkheads.

They really fucked it up this time, didn’t they my dear?

I notice there are no tips from Atlanta as of 10:30 AM Eastern time. All the potential posters are likely still at least an hour from their offices.

This is excellent. Kudos for bringing light to it.

good article but i weep for the amount of shit you’re going to get for it 

Bless you for writing this. Get your block button primed and ready.