It’s not memorializing the attackers. It’s memorializing the Freedom Riders and the churchgoers and the freed slaves who struggled and died so that their people might one day live free.
It’s not memorializing the attackers. It’s memorializing the Freedom Riders and the churchgoers and the freed slaves who struggled and died so that their people might one day live free.
Thank you, love. I appreciate your kindness.
This may be the last time I ever say this, so here it goes. Please be quiet everyone, I get stage fright:
Uh, white people will come out of this administration far less scathed than folks of color. We’ve got to call them out on that. White nationalism got Trump elected. If white women are afraid of black women asking them to consider their needs, then yes, we’ve got to address it. It’s mockable. Addressing it is the only…
This is some weak shit, right here. Nice try.
Alternatively, you can play ALL the Assassin Creeds for 15 bucks via Humble Bundle. It’s crazy.
Alternatively, you can play ALL the Assassin Creeds for 15 bucks via Humble Bundle. It’s crazy.
Oh please. If women routinely “ovarystabbed” like men “balltap” as a weird homosocial bonding thing maybe you’d have a leg to stand on. But you don’t. So fuck off.
Ball kicking is not only not off limits, it’s the only thing a weaker person can do to protect herself against a stronger assailant. That and eye-gouging. Go for it, I say.
You suck
I’m almost 30, and I recall this. I was always on guard. If a strike landed on your thigh you had to fake the pain just to grant yourself a short reprieve from the assaults on your balls.
They said to her “We get that you don’t like it when Tom grabs you but what you did was worse.” They did it because they knew she didn’t like it. They said as much.
What the hell? Please try making sense next time. The plain fact is you tried to excuse the boys for being young and not knowing better, yet she’s supposed to have some gracious, supportive way of stopping BEING SEXUALLY ASSAULTED. It’s about body autonomy, period. She made it clear it wasn’t something she liked. They…
We were told to go for the goods if some guy started messing with you. Kick, punch, whatever it took....go right for the groin. I taught pre-kindergarten for years. I taught my girls to do whatever they needed to if someone was touching them and wouldn’t stop. I never wanted them to fall for that crap about “he…
Unless you’ve been repeatedly sexually assaulted and have had people brush it off as no big deal, you have no idea how much damage it can do to your psyche. If ALL you get is kicked in the nuts after assaulting a girl or woman for the upteenth time, consider yourself lucky. I used to go for the nuts until I took…
Yeah, we aren’t universally renowned for taking the hint. Sometimes a swift nut shot is deserved.
Do not equate this. She was repeatedly groped, they KNEW she didn’t like it, they said as much after, but they kept doing it.You don’t want to get kicked in the nuts? Don’t fucking grope people. And if ALL you get is a kick in the nuts, be grateful.
That’s exactly right. Fight as hard as you can against someone who wants to hurt you. Give no quarter, not an inch. Use everything at your disposal, scratching eyes, kicking balls, throat punches, no Marquess of Queensberry rules there.
Balls are totally fair game. Men do it in fights all the time, Hollywood uses ball strikes ad nauseum, in my mind it’s a fair target. I’ve taught both my daughters specifically how to ball strike an assailant as it’s the easiest way to incapacitate a larger attacker. Yeah it hurts. It hurts like hell. That’s the point.
Then men should keep their knees together.