
Or, maybe, Democrats are actually capable of being nuanced about things, and liked Wikileaks when it was publicly committing itself to being neutral and non-partisan. And then Assange was put under investigation for rape and his history of egotism and egomania came to light, and Wikileaks started leaking things like

Also remember how Bernie supporters (I was one) were outraged, nevermind that most of the pro-Hill stuff came out after it was clear he wouldn’t win, yet that part went uncovered by most of the press?

Member when Assange prolonged the publishing of hacked DNC e-mails to keep the story in the news cycle as long as possible?

It was alternately scary/amusing to me this morning how tweets by both Trump and Wikileaks hit the same notes:

I’m pretty sure State’s rights only need to be respected when they apply to the ownership of black people.

So much for the party of state’s rights and small government! I hate these people so much. I’m so scared of the next four years. I have no idea how/if we’re going to make it.

soooooooooo states rights until they’re doing something we don’t like?

My god the next four years are going to be a fuckfest.

I miss the days when The Onion imitated real life, instead of the other way around!

Dear Berniebros*:

Holy fuck- I cannot believe Tucker Carlson-that weasley little shit bag ass clown in a bow tie- is still a thing. I really thought he’d gone to pasture years ago. It feels like the God damn 1990s again. What a time to be alive!

One problem with elite is they always want to talk about actual news stories. We have to reach out to whites where they live—comment sections.

Hate to tell you this Hamilton but, once the Scalia vacany is filled, the Friedrichs case is going to be reheard in the Supreme Court and is going to win, which will basically turn the whole country into WTR.

Yes, unions vs. transgender bathroom rights, the classic “either-or” choice.

The stereotype that white people always carry ranch dressing around with them is not cool anymore. When you say ‘He’s already got his, that white boy over there’” don’t just fucking assume I’m carrying my own ranch dressing around with me you hurtful monster. I need it for my tenders and when you assume that I already

Why should SHE have to give up her career? I imagine it’s very difficult for dancers to find good work, let alone as a Rockette. I think that all Rockettes should be free to decline the work and not face any retaliation for doing so. I think pressure is being put on them that they will face serious consequences if

Please. Trump just thinks she’s offering to sing a song about seedless watermelons.

Donald’s thinking it over but he’s just not sure yet...

Donald invited her because just like him and Jackie Evancho, Rebecca came second in the popular vote.