-“American voters’ second-choice, Donald Trump...”
-“American voters’ second-choice, Donald Trump...”
I’d like to start a gofundme campaign to raise money for daily full page ads in the NY Times and WaPo that simply state:
Weird that if HC orchestrated “millions” of illegal votes, she had them recorded in states where they could do her no good.
It really, really, reeeeeaaaaally bugs him that he failed to win the popular vote.
“There is widespread voter fraud. But not perpetrated by Republicans. And not in PA, WI, or MI, so there is no need to do a recount. The recount is unfair to me. But I won, totally legitimately.”
I feel so happy knowing that the loss of the popular vote is really getting under his skin and driving him to Twitter meltdowns. The Dems need to spend the next four years reminding him, and the rest of the Republican Party, of this fact.
I already sent in some money to Jill Stein for the recount, mostly because electronic voting machines piss me off. Did no one notice that they are basically manufactured by only two companies, one of which is owned by a right-wing Republican group, and one of which is a casino company?
In fact, let’s try it all again. I’m sure he’ll still win, given his performance in the last few weeks.
The president elect says there was voter fraud. Better do a nationwide recount.
Only democratic votes are fraud silly!
I’m pretty sure Romney has declined the Secretary of State position and Conway is acting on Trumps orders to malign him. Then it can look like he “rejected” Romney because his followers didn’t approve. It scares me how easily he seems to be able to get his talking points out to the media and covered as facts.
“I won the popular vote if you deduct the millions of people who voted illegally.”
HOW does he think there is any way he won the popular vote? He is somehow claiming that he totally legitimately won, but also that it was rigged.
His Twitter meltdown today is so... true to form.
So about an hour ago I was running on the lovely canal trail in my city. It’s cold and sunny, a perfect day to run off the angst of the last two weeks. I’m waiting to cross the main four lane street when I see a bunch of vehicles with lights and sirens coming towards the intersection. I thought it was a funeral but…
first they made facts subjective, then they made words salad, now this family is after our time?
McDonald’s is Eugenics? Public school are eugenics? Words do not have a meaning anymore, I’d like fish in my coffee, hat!
So, it’s really interesting that you bring this up, because in my apartment building, all of us rather like zombie-related stuff and we talk about how we — as a little group — would survive.
The thing about the Walking Dead, is that all of the characters are stupid (ALL OF THEM), and the plot is dependent on keeping them stupid (because zombies are slow).