
To be fair, they’ve always been pretty shady.

I didn’t think the CIA had it in them to be so salty. Bless.

Judge Brown:


That depends. Is the Giant Meteor going to run again?

I’d vote for a rip in the space and time continuum.

Kanye, why do you have to make is so hard to appreciate your music by, you know, being such a horrible person?

Remember the thought experiment, about liberals running their own Donald Trump-esque candidate, and would we vote for him? That is Kanye West, and the answer is “hell no.”

Ya really. He said he is too busy for the fraud trial, but he’s going on some sort of “victory tour” of post-election rallies through red states? Aside from being, you know, blatant Nazism, he’s setting expectations for his presidency; he’s going to go, say, do whatever the fuck he wants.

This better be a damn good settlement. I’m irritated that it seems everyone’s trying to forget/push things out of the way now that he won. Like he’s become untouchable.


I know some think it’s a bit comical that Trump is (predictably) reneging his promises to his moron supporters that he’ll hire outsiders and “drain the swamp,” but you have to remember that anyone who voted for him never actually gave a shit about that. Hence why they also reelected the vast majority of incumbents.

Remember, Hillary wasn’t liberal enough. Either we want the perfect candidate or just blow it all to hell, apparently.

We need to stop using the term “family values.” There’s got to be something more accurate, like “retrograde hatred values.”

This is a nightmare for those who are worried about immigration. Jeff Sessions is extremely dangerous because he actually knows quite a lot about how the immigration system works, in minute details. He’s not a dumb man either. He knows exactly where to stick the knife.

Instead of taking one step forward we are taking 2500 steps back.

Sessions is, naturally, anti-abortion and opposed to marriage equality because of his deeply-held family values.

Look, another ancient white man dredged from the bottom of the swamp!