
Vaguely related: I wish this were real. Take that Trump, you rotten orange peel of a hypocritical president elect.

“I am the only one who knows who the finalists are”

Low hanging fruit:

I train child care providers and CA just recently changed the law requiring them to be vaccinated. One woman audibly groaned and was like ‘Uhh now they are making us put that poison in us too?’ I couldn’t say anything because I will straight up get fired if I said what I was thinking but my first thoughts were ‘Lady,

None of these things are going to work until half of the population can be convinced to stop voting against their own self-interests for fear of the “Other”. 

The first thing a dictator does is go after the media.

IT IS NOT NATE SILVER’S FAULT THAT PEOPLE DON’T UNDERSTAND PROBABILITIES. He gave Trump a higher chance of winning the presidency than the Cubs had of coming back and winning the World Series after Game 4 and we literally all JUST saw that happen. He doesn’t conduct the polls, he aggregates them, and there was no way

Silver constantly warned that this election was different given the volatility in the polls and the large amount of undecided voters. He also warned that there was a significant possibility that Trump would win the Electoral College, but would lose the popular vote. Nate Cohn at the Upshot, however, was completely

Honestly I wouldn’t be surprised if the polls were correct but they caused enough complacency that people just didn’t turn out. Both sides got less votes than the last election, the difference was that Trump only lost ~500k while Hillary was down ~5m.

Nate Silver’s model was the only one which gave Trump a good chance of winning. Take it up with the Huffington Post and Sam Wang; they gave Clinton close to a 99% chance of winning....

Adding “fact check,” “moderation,” and “Tiffany Trump.”

“consent” “gloves size small and up”

Harassing words blocked on Trump’s twitter: “truth” “science” “facts”

I guess Twitter didn’t get the memo about the election. All that stuff is okay now.

I’ve seen several Facebook posts with some variation of: “Sure Trump said some terrible things, but you millennials are just crybabies and need to get over yourselves. Let’s give Trump a chance to get rid of corruption in government.”

You know how in Star Wars, Darth Vader commits genocide and enables galaxy-wide oppression and suffering but, at the end, decides that maybe he’s not cool with some creepy old dude electrocuting his son (who he himself has tried to kill several times)? Yeah, Darth Vader is still an evil fuck and not heroic in the

Here is your White Trump voter, America.

“Now that he is President of the United States and not directly aggressively attacking me, Donald Trump really isn’t that bad!”

What a relief...I was starting to like her.

ALSO: Felix and Sylvester are definitely androids. It would be so much cheaper for the park to 3d print their own grunt workers, safer bc then the IP would be protected and would never leave the corporation due to the high turnover I would expect from being a robot murder surgeon for 10 hours a day, and for christ