
I feel sad for everyone involved. She was stupid, and now a man is dead. But it was a man she loved, and had a family with. She didnt mean to kill him. And now not only is he dead but she is (rightfully?) going away to prison for manslaughter. Its terrible. It’s sad.

All those fucking assholes chanting “His Name Was Seth Rich”.....

Are you commenting on the right post? What movie are you talking about?

Weaponized memes. Net neutrality. Presidents that are secretly Russian agents. False information used to manipulate individuals. Vampires.

No not thats not really what they said at all, are you replying to the right comment? Are you okay?

I just think the reason there is no all female super hero team is because it doesnt fit in the narrative of the universe at all.

Oh. Wow. Shocking. What a suprised. I am floored. Never would I have imagined this. Time to think and pray.

I’m sorry I’m just not seeing any kneejerk, nuance-free outrage. Can you point to anywhere that it exists? Because those two groups aren’t calling for a boycott, they arent protesting the film or director or actors as far as I can see. All I can see is they came out with statements about how they feel slighted by the

A movie came out that seems to focus primarily on five female scientists when we have a substantial gap in support for women in STEM fields (implied when I pointed out “5 female scientists”). As Katie pointed out, the cast is also fairly diverse (hence when I said “60% white”). The explanation for the oversight where

You didnt point out anything counterproductive though? You just called people mad and are now instigating with another user, and asked us to imagine who that person is. There is no discussion in that, just kind of aggressive trolling. You havent said a single thing about what about the article is counter productive.

As far as I know this is to be a standalone film, not current plans for sequels or trilogies.

“Why limit your information this way?”

This comment actually swayed me to understand what your saying when up until now I didn’t see it that way. Well said.

Okay but 1. this is an opinion thing and 2. You can level just as many criticisms at the book.

I said that the show is worse when it went off the books. But I’m saying with that being true, it is also true that the show is still better paced and plotted than the books are.

Do NOT even get me started. I live my life pretending none of that exists my god.

George Martin has given up. He will never finish the books. Ever. The show beat him to his own dream. Imagine being a writer, that being your lifes work, and some other people went ahead and wrote the ending for your show for you AND released it ahead of you.

Russia/North Korea. I have no evidence to back it up, but it does just seem obvious to me. One is our nuclear rival and the other is nuclear ambitious. I dont understand the science or anything of it but my guess is they were doing something fucky with nuclear testing, likely weapons, and we found a trace of it.

These are the best posts. Keep it up.