
I just watched a doc on this last night (I think it was an older "5th estate episode") Clearly Melchert-Dinkel had a suicide fetish (he even said so) and was lying to pushing people in delicate positions over the edge for his own gratification. All these cases are complicated, hard to get our heads around and very

I have been using these images as background images on my computer screen. Clients come over and are intrigued about them until I tell them what they are. No wonder I have trouble keeping clients...

the newest version to come out I saw with alive audience last year in Montreal is available on DVD and blue ray with some nice extra features. it's from KINO and called "the complete Metropolis" and includes 20 minutes of previously lost footage from the original cut, which really explains some story details. Amazon

I lost my VHS version of that in a flood! I know many people view it as an abomination, but the restoration was the best ever done at the time. It's sort of odd there's no version of it out anymore.

I really like the Phase ii series, i wish they could come out a little faster. The effects are pretty good and it's very fun to see the original look of everything again.

All I can say is "yeah!" and like every version of "Metropolis" that comes along, I'll buy it. I already have Dorian Grey in English and French editions.. what's the harm in another?

So "Tomb of Dracula" made me gay... I've always suspected that as the cause. That was the only comic I read faithfully. I should have read Wonder Woman and become a bondage loving lesbian instead!

this is always the episode of TNG that's on when someone who has never seen Star Trek decides to finally watch and episode with me and I just sit there.... ashamed.

I clicked that last link and spit up my breakfast with laughter... i was not prepared.

babylon 5 did a lot of things right I think. The multiple languages spoken, not every race was humanoid, even on a a small budget (though most were) and sexuality and religion were sort of side subjects treated with a great deal of indifference instead of pushing towards one thing or another. I also totally even after

OMG I wish I said that!

gay people are not gender confused which is exactly the sort of misconception Star Trek could have addressed.

References to god are all throughout Star Trek, they talk about a creator, god etc but in very general terms so as not to pick on e religion over another as the religion "of the future". Not the same thing as eliminating a whole class of people from the universe, as many religions would like to do with gay people as

No gay people anywhere was a shameful omission on Star Trek. Worse was the idea that an androgynous race, a trill past life and the rest somehow was supposed to be a safer "substitute" for something too terrible to show. Gene Rodenberry apparently wanted gay characters but was denied the chance to try. Even so, the

kids today. Lou reed is amazing and that song in one of the classics, now I know I'm old

I would add the rabbit form the Jim Henson film "Dreamchild", it was pretty freaky!

The Event is still on TV? Who knew? I gave up after 5 episodes.

wasn't this the plot to the mel brooks tv show "quark" a few years back? (with richard benjamin).