
Ross was pretty bloody terrible (credit to Schwimmer for making him conceivably tolerable), but my university halls are suffering more from pantry raiders than panty raiders currently, and so I understand his grievance. The outburst was insane though.

Now playing

Just want to point out that, contrary to the commercials, the burgers are NOT better at Hungry Jack’s. Also, there’s these gems were inflicted upon Australian children everywhere waking up to watch Cheez TV (RIP).

Thomas the Tank Engine and Paddington were my favourites when I was really small (and then also when I was much older). My mum and dad read the complete Thomas collection on practically a daily basis for four years or so and didn’t die of boredom, so they are pretty well-written.

Yes, it is, uh, fabulous from beginning to end. Watch in order and make sure to watch the specials.

This film would be funnier with Alison Brie and Rebel Wilson as the leads.

At least she doesn’t have to do Pennence...

EDIT FOR CORRECTIONS: Also time to share first Star Wars memories (as a short distraction from the horror going on around us): I was maybe one and half and we were at one of my aunt’s for dinner. My uncle was going through the trilogy on VHS and I distinctly remember my dad sitting me down on his lap to watch The

This child gives me a new hope for the galaxy...

Also time to share first Star Wars memories (as a short distraction from the horror going on around us): I was maybe one and half and we were at one of my aunt’s for dinner. My uncle was going through the trilogy on VHS and I distinctly remember my dad sitting me down on

Up next on Morning After:

“Apocalypse Now: A Plea, not a Film Review.”

Exciting, but I suppose we can also rule out Red/Blue remakes for the 20th Anniversary...Here’s hoping the next main series game is a wholly new experience. Please let Gen VII be announced next year!

“If only I could smile as well as everyone else around me.”

“I will not be phased by the camera nor the lingerie...”

Hitler was really sick of painting the same Polish landscapes over and over again.

His views give me very little kamfort.

Reich you are mein friend!

The media just goebbels this stuff up.

Couldn’t they have just let him into the art school? Post-WWI Hitler felt sufficiently anguished to have a sterling time at art school.

As someone’s who has grown up with the name Declan, I can only congratulate you on such an excellent choice. :P

Seriously though, I love my name, as it looks well-defined when written and sounds complete. Furthermore, outside of Ireland, it’s not unbelievably common and so allows a certain level of distinctiveness,

You’ve clearly never shopped at Target. Their aisle layouts are terrible. ;)

No, Declan is an awesome name. Deklan, on the other hand, is a mangled abomination, birthed from the unbridled minds of incognisant parents who wish to forsake their child’s future happiness for momentary narcissistic satisfaction, and all traces of its existence should be purged from the lexicon.

* I know I have used

Well, time to rewatch some Cheers and Frasier...